Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Discussion questions:

  • Have you heard about Pocahontas?
  • Do you know who she was and where she lived?
  • Do you know about any other important women in history?

Read Why is Pocahontas famous? Life in an Indian village. Meeting the colonists. Pocahontas gets married. Pocahontas in England. 

and answer true or false:
  • Pocahontas was a Native American.
  • She was born in Britain.
  • She helped her people make friends with colonists who had come to America from Britain.
  • Pocahontas was born in the 17th century.
  • Pocahontas lived at the same time as the famous writer Charles Dickens.
  • Pocahontas was famous as a peacemaker.
  • She was brave, because she was a soldier.
  • Pocahontas saved an Englishman named Peter Smith from being killed by her father
  • Pocahontas lived in the western part of what is now the United States.
  • Virginia was the name of the first British colony in America.
  • Pocahontas’s people were fishermen as well as hunters and farmers.
  • Maize is another name for sweet corn.
  • Christopher Columbus called Native Americans Indians because thought he discovered India.
  • Pocahontas was like a queen.
  • Her father was leader of a tribe.
  • Pocahontas had 4 names.
  • ‘Pocahontas’ means 'little snow feather'.
  • Pocahontas lived in a metal 'long house'.
  • Boys learned to hunt with spears or bows and arrows.
  • Girls learned how to look after babies and make clothes from wool.
  • Children played games, such as football and hopscotch.
  • The Native Americans at first welcomed the colonists.
  • Pocahontas’s people traded with the colonists.
  • The Native Americans showed the colonists how to hunt and make ‘long houses’.
  • When Pocahontas was about 12, she saved a colonist’s life.
  • John Smith was a farmer’s son.
  • John Smith once he was captured by Turks and made a slave, but escaped to Russia!
  • The colonists had many dangers: disease, starvation and fights with Native Americans.
  • Smith was kind to the Native Americans, so they liked him.
  • Pocahontas may have married when she was 14.
  • The colonists kidnapped Pocahontas.
  • While she was a prisoner, Pocahontas became a Christian.
  • She was given a new name, Rosalind.
  • In 1615, Pocahontas and John Rolfe got married.
  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe had a son, Thomas.
  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe’s marriage helped stop the fighting between the Native Americans and the English.
  • In 1617, Pocahontas went to England.
  • Pocahontas died of smallpox at the age of 23.
  • Pocahontas's became an important person in Virginia.

Play the game Pocahontas HERE and answer the questions below:

1. Pocahontas’s father was?
a warrior
a chief
a farmer

2. The colonists crossed _________ to get to America.
The Pacific Ocean
The Indian Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean

3. Native Americans made their knives from:

4. Native Americans made their plates from:

5. What did Native Americans put on their beds for comfort?
animal skins
woolen blankets
feather mattresses

6. At pow-wows Native Americans
gathered together and dance
played drums and flutes
fought each other

7. Why did the Powhatan and the English settlers’ children spend time in each other’s homes?
to play games and make friends
to learn each other’s language
to learn about new food

8. Native Americans made their fish hooks from

9. Native Americans made their blankets from:
animal skins

10. What was the colonists’ town called?

11. Why was John Smith asking for food?
because it was winter
because they couldn’t grow any food
because they ate all the animals

12. What food didn’t Pocahontas give to the settlers in the second game?

13. Pocahontas believed that John Rolfe was:

14. In the 17th century Poor people in had homes built from:

15. Potatoes were brought to England from:

18. In the 17th century poor English people didn’t wash very often and _____ lived on their bodies.

19. Only the very rich people had money to buy _______ from other countries, as they were so expensive.

20. In the 17th century poor English people didn’t have any toilets and just threw everything into the ______.

21. It was exciting for Pocahontas:
to welcome English settlers to her country
to visit England
to get married

Read the Fun Facts and answer the questions:
1. Why did Native Americans covered themselves with bear grease?
2. What sex were the first colonists? Why?
3. Why did Native American farmers put dead fish in the soil?
4. What things have been named after Pocahontas?
5. What were some of the foods new to the colonists?
6. How did Native Americans get across rivers and lakes?

Test your teacher and ask them to name these famous Russian women:

Learn the new words HERE.

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