Saturday, March 16, 2013

Merlin Valiant Part III

Before you watch:
Have you ever witnessed something bad happening and you needed to tell someone?
What was it about?
Did they believe you? why?
How did you get proof?

Watch the video HERE

Discussion questions:
  1. Why wouldn’t Uther listen to Merlin and Gaius?
  2. When the Kings says to knight Valiant ‘you should stay in Camelot’ How does Arthur react?
  3. Why does Merlin kill the snake?
  4. Why does Merlin take the snakes head?
  5. Does Arthur believe Merlin at first when he is told the truth about knight Valiant? Why?
  6. How does Arthur ensure that Merlin is telling the truth?
  7. Why did Gaius leave the man alone?
  8. What happened to the witness?
  9. How does the King respond to Arthur's accusations?
  10. Why doesn’t Knight Valiant want to punish Merlin?
  11. How does Arthur feel after confronting his father with the truth about Knight Valiant?
  12. What happens to Merlin?
  13. Is the dragon helpful to Merlin? Why?
  14. Why does Merlin want the statue?
  15. What was the Kings ward’s bad dream about?

Who said that and what are they talking about?
  1. ‘but we don’t have any proof’
  2. ‘but how do we get the antidote?’
  3. ‘What you did was very brave.’
  4. ‘I believe you.’
  5. ‘Your servant!’
  6. ‘I will graciously accept his withdrawal’
  7. Do you have a wheel barrel?

Fill in the missing words:

  1. but we don’t have any ______
  2. I’d be ________ my lord
  3. I don’t like the guy, but that doesn’t mean he’s _______
  4. It’s venom made him ________ ill.
  5. You made these  __________  __________ against a knight on the word of your servant?
  6. My lord, am I really to be judged on some _________ from a boy.
  7. My father and the entire royal court think I’m a ________! You _________ me!
  8. We can still _________ valiant
  9. Your ________ me?

Missing words:
  1. proof
  2. sacking
  3. hearsay
  4. honoured
  5. coward
  6. grievously
  7. accusations
  8. humiliated
  9. outrageous
  10. cheating
  11. expose

Put the mixed up sentences in the correct order:

  1. you are? Where
  2. want him on punished my account I wouldn’t
  3. is witness? Where this
  4. ?valiant Have magic you using seen
  5. wrong got You’ve person the
  6. one’s If were easy it so to destiny only escape.
  7. just Oh, great. I what another riddle. needed,
  8. that mean What supposed is to?

Learn the words here and prepare for the test

Saint Patrick's Journey

Before you watch:
What country celebrates Saint Patrick’s day?
Where is Patrick from?
Why do you think they celebrate Saint Patrick’s day?
What do people do on Saint Patrick’s day?

Watch the video here:

Discussion questions:

  1. Where did Saint Patrick come from?
  2. What did the Irish raiders do to Saint Patrick?
  3. What was his job?
  4. Who did he turn to? Why?
  5. Who appeared in his dream?
  6. What did they say?
  7. What did he study?
  8. Why did he go back to Ireland?
  9. What amazing things did he do?

Listen to Patrick in ‘Who am I’

  1. Who is Saint Patrick?
  2. When was he made a Saint?
  3. Where can you see him?
  4. When do they celebrate Saint Patrick?
  5. Why does the snake story always make him smile?

Now do the quiz

  1. Why doesn’t anyone know where Patrick is from?
  2. What did he do as a slave?
  3. Why are places named after Saint Patrick?
  4. Was there any proof he visited the Church and well?
  5. Did Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland? Why?
  6. What language did Patrick write his confessions in?

Children's views of Saint Patrick here
Peter aged 10
What did he think Patrick looked like?
What did Peter think Patrick carried around with him?
What kind of Character did Peter think Patrick had?

Rebecca aged 12
What did Rebecca think Patrick looked like?
What didn’t the people mind?

Katie aged 11
What did Katie think Patrick looked like
What did he have on his tie?
What did he have on his finger?

Oran aged 11
What did Oran think Patrick looked like?
What made him stand out?
What was wrong with his shoes?

Watch or read about Saint Patrick and answer the questions below

              Roman BritainHome LifeSchoolKidnapped

Multiple choice questions:

Where was he born?
a) Roman British family
b) Christian British family
c) Roman Irish family

What was his dad’s occupation?
a) A blacksmith
b) Town Councillor
c) A priest

What kind of work did Patrick do as a child?
a) Cleaning the house
b) Helping his dad
c) Helped in the fields

What kind of school did Patrick go to?
a) Roman school
b) An all boys school
c) A catholic school
What did Patrick use to write with when he was at school?                    
a) Pencil and paper
b) A Goose Quill and ink
c) A sharp stone to scrape on rock

What is oratory?                        
a) A way of predicting the future
b) An ancient Celtic science
c) The art of public speaking

What is the proper name for a Roman house?                        
a) A villa
b) A taverna
c) A casa
Where did the Romans come from?                       
a) Italy
b) France
c) Spain

Why did the Celts use Ogham?                        
a) To send letters to their friends
b) To write the law
c) To mark names on stones

How old was Patrick when he was kidnapped?
a) 12
b) 16
c) 10

What happened to the village when he was kidnapped?
a) They robbed the villagers
b) They killed everyone
c) They burned the village down

Why did the kidnappers take Patrick?
a) To become a priest
b) To be sold for slavery
c) To see Ireland

What did Patrick have to be careful off?
a) Wolves
b) Tigers
c) Sheep

Learn the words here and prepare for test in next lesson

Play the game Patrick's Journey

Build a Celtic Settlement here