Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Zombie Clark


Discussion questions:
1. This is the last episode of Rotting Hills. Did you enjoy the series? What did you like most of all?
2. What is your favorite episode? Why?


Fill in the missing words:
1. A little ________ to the undead, don't you think, Clark?
2. Clark, you are not doing much for my __________ out here!
3. I used to just think of you as lunch, now you kind of ______.
4. She thought I was cool, she invited me to a party, she _____ me a _____.
5. Zoe, this is my chance to ________.
6. Don't do it, Clark. If you jump in you'll get _______ or worse.
7. You can eat pizza and ______ in the sun and go swimming at the beach without _______.
8. Sorry, I was being so stupid, Zoe. - That's all right, I'm beginning to ___________ it.
9. Then again, being dead has its you can only die once.

Missing words:
a) cute
b) fit in
c) credibility
d) bitten
e) insensitive
f) dissolving
g) give a kiss
h) get used to
i) lie
j) advantages

(v) to dissolve - when a solid mixes with a liquid and becomes part of it ‘Sugar dissolves in water.’
(n) advantage - something that helps you to be more successful
(v) to give somebody a kiss - to kiss somebody
‘Come and give your old Grandma a kiss.’
(adj) cute - very pretty or attractive
‘a cute little puppy’
(v) to get used to - to experience something so that it's no longer surprising
‘I can't get used to your new face.’
(n) credibility - the quality of deserving to be believed and trusted
(v) to fit in - when a person is accepted by other people in a group
‘I never really fitted in at school.’
(adj) insensitive - not noticing other people's feelings
‘She's totally insensitive to Jack's feelings.’
(v) to lie - to be in a position in which your body is flat on the ground
‘Don't lie in the sun for too long.’
(v) to bite (bit; bitten) - to cut, grip, or tear with or as if with the teeth
‘She has been afraid of dogs ever since she got bitten as a child.’

Answer the questions:

  1. Why don't the zombie children like Clark?
  2. How did Clark “become a zombie”?
  3. Why did Clark want to go to the party?
  4. Compare a normal party to a zombie party.
  5. How did Zoe persuade Clark not to jump into the crowd?

listen and repeat
  1. Wait a minute, Clark's a zombie? - Does she sound suspicious?
  2. Hey, you finally get him, Zoe, good one, he is like us now. - Does she sound excited?
  3. I used to just think of as lunch, now you're kind of cute. - Is she flirting with Clark now?
  4. I am having a party tonight, corpses only, wanna come? - Does she sound annoyed?
  5. Great, see you then! - Does she sound friendly?

    learn the words from the video HERE