Thursday, November 12, 2015

Stuart Little

suggested activities

Questions to discuss before you watch the film:
  • Do you know anyone who was adopted?
  • Would you adopt a child?
  • Why would someone give up a child for adoption?
  • How do you think a child feels if they learn they were adopted?  How would you feel?
  • What do you think is a life in the orphanage like?

learn the words HERE
Learn the words - both Russian translation and English definition are provided. Students learn the words after they have watched the film.

watch the film
Download the video HERE  and subtitles HERE or watch the video HERE
Watch video in HERE 
Watch video with subtitles on HERE (please, login / create an account to be able to view)
We recommend dividing the film into parts and watching it / checking homework over several lessons. You can see the questions for the film below.

answer the questions
Why doesn’t the cat want to turn the washing machine off?
  • a mouse drowning is his favourite show
  • he has got to stare at traffic, yaawn and lick himself
  • he doesn't know how the washing machine works
Whose clothes were NOT offered for Stuart to wear?
  • chef's
  • astronaut's
  • lumberjack's
What word did the Little use to describe Stuart?
  • amazing
  • astonishing
  • adorable
Why does Stuart want to find out about his real family?
  • because he hates the Littles
  • because he feels like something is missing
  • because he is disappointed with the Littles
Why is it hard to track mouse families?
  • they hide from people
  • they change their address a lot
  • they are not good with paperwork
Why is Snowball acting strange around Monty the Mouth?
  • he has got worms
  • he has got fleas
  • he has got Stuart running about
Why is Monty laughing when he meets Stuart?
  • because Stuart is a mouse wearing clothes
  • because Stuart’s a mouse and he has got a pet cat
  • because Stuart tells him a joke
Why is Snowball trying to kill Stuart?
  • because he feels hungry
  • because he feels jealous
  • because he feels humiliated
What is the name of Georgie’s boat?
  • the Wing
  • the Whisper
  • the Wasp

true or false
Alley cats are mean and vicious and hacked up on catnip.
Monty thinks Snowball is a manly name.
Snowball has a sensitive stomach.
Smokey the alley cat thinks it is funny to have a rodent for a master.
Stuart wasn’t born to a prosperous home.
Stuarts’ real parents died in a tragic accident crushed by a can of soup. They had to be identified by their dental records.
Stuarts’ kidnappers are interested in money.
The cats want to get rid of Stuart because he is to dangerous to have around.
George wants to put posters up offering a reward for finding Stuart.

57.27-the end
multiple choice questions
When cats were chasing Stuart he fell into:
  • the lake
  • ths sewer
  • the river

The cat says that the family is ___________ getting rid of Stuart.
  • regretting
  • celebrating
  • expecting

The Littles:
  • cut Stuart’s picture out to put on a poster
  • cut Stuart’s picture out to tear it up and burn it
  • cut Stuart’s picture out to make a copy of it

The cats want to break Stuart’s:
  • little arms
  • little legs
  • little fingers

To be a family you have to:
  • look alike
  • like each other
  • care about each other

How did Stuart get home at the end?
  • Snowbell gave him a ride
  • He drove
  • He walked

Explain what the words in bold mean
Talk to the butt.
I have an empty space inside me.
I hope I haven’t left you dismayed and disappointed.
Sick little rodent!
Quit being such a scaredy-cat, do you want to get rid of the mouse or not?
Are you all done being a jerk?
Stuarts’ real parents died in a tragic accident crushed by a can of soup. They had to be identified by their dental records.
Stuarts’ kidnappers are interested in money.
Hey, moron, the mouse is the picnic.
No one could have survived that.
I am starving!
Look, Smokey, call me fickle but I want to call his whole thing off.