Monday, November 19, 2012

Rotting Hills - Drive to School

Discussion questions:
1. How do you usually get to school?
- by bus
- by underground
- by car
- by bicycle
- on foot
2. How long does your trip take?
3. What time do you start school?
4. What time do you go home after your lessons?
5. How do you get home from school?

Try to imagine what Restful Hills Elementary looks like and describe a day of a student there using as many scary words as you can, for example: blood, zombie-teacher, bones, skeletons, rotting flesh, etc.

Vocabulary: Definition Sentence/Phrase
(n) lift (give a lift) - to take somebody somewhere in your car/bike
'John gave me a lift home'.
(adj) rude - speaking or behaving in a way that is not polite
'Why are you so rude to her?'
(v) to pick up to take somebody somewhere in your car/bike
'I'll pick you up at the station'
(n) neighbourhood - an area of a town or city
'She grew up in a quiet neighborhood of Boston'.
(adj) genuine - something real
'The jacket is genuine leather'
(v) to exist to be real or alive
'Do ghosts really exist?'
(adj) ridiculous - very silly or unreasonable
'That's a ridiculous idea!'
(v) to wonder - to think about something that you are not sure about
'I wonder if I may have a drink?'
(adj) terrifying - extremely frightening
'terrifying screams'


True or False:
  • Clark's school starts early in the morning.
  • Clark's dad is afraid of zombies.
  • Clark says that zombies are big rotting corpses with peeled skin, big teeth, horrible eyes and putrid breath.
  • Zoe likes Clark's description of zombies.
  • The Skulls neighbourhood is ominous.
  • Clark wants to scare his dad into admitting the undead exist.
Who said that and what they were talking about:
  • She was just showing us her pet.
  • Everyone stays away from the sculls.
  • All it will take is a close encounter with that zombie.
  • I moved you and your mother out to Restful Hills to start a new life.
  • Well, at least, now my dad's got a ride to work.
Fill in the missing words:
  1. Haven't you _________ why school here starts at midnight?
  2. I've arranged to ________ your little friend on the way.
  3. Are you telling me that you can't see this is a _______ undead dog.
  4. I think we are in the Skulls __________.
  5. This looks like a short ______ down this dark ________ tunnel.
  6. I'm gonna scare my dad into admitting the undead _______.
  7. Don't be _________!
  8. ________ fellas, these bikers.
  9. It was nice of that little girl to give us a _____ to school in her bike.
Missing words:
a) terrifying
b) lift
c) wondered
d) rude
e) neighbourhood
f) exist
g) genuine
h) ridiculous
i) cut
j) pick up

Listen and repeat:
  • So, first day at your new school. Big day. - Does dad sound excited?
  • It's not day, dad, it's night! - Does Clark sound happy?
  • Haven't you wondered why school here starts at midnight? - Does Clark sound angry?
  • Things are different out here in the country
  • Haven't you ever heard of night school?
  • Cheer up, son, I arranged to pick up your little friend on the way. - Does dad sound cheerful?
  • Friend?! - Does Clark sound shocked?
  • Something's wrong, Clark?
  • Z-z-z-zombies! - Does Clark sound terrified? 

William Shakespeare

Before you watch:
What do you think about Shakespeare?
Have you seen any of his plays?
Have you seen any movies based on Shakespeare’s plays?
Which play would like to see the most and why?

Vocabulary: Definition/sentence/phrase

1. (n) poet a person who writes poems

2. (n) playwright a person who writes plays

3. (adv) widely to a great degree; "her work is widely known"
4. (v) regarded to hold (a person or thing) in respect, admiration, we regard your work very highly
5. (v) performed To give a public presentation. “My theater group performed a three-act play”.
6. (n) sonnet A 14-line verse form/poem
7. (adj) situated having a place or location
8. (n) reconstruction making something again
9. (adj) modern present, here and now - modern films, buildings
10. (n) characters an imaginary person in a work of fiction (play or film or story); "she is the main character in the novel"
11. (n) groundlings someone who has a cheap standing ticket for a theatre
12. (n) history past information
13. (n) comedy funny drama
14. (n) tragedy drama that ends badly through death
15. (n) slapstick drama that has “slapstick style of humor”
16. (n) puns a funny play on words “ I do it for the pun of it”
17. (n) genre a category of films/books comedy genre, horror genre

Click on Video William Shakespeare - Press CC for subtitles:
What is William Shakespeare famous for?
How many plays did he write
How many sonnets did he write
What is a sonnet?
Where was he born?
We know he was a writer, but what else was he?
Where did he act out his plays? What was the name of the theatre?
What is his most popular genres?
What are the 4 genres?
What age did William die?
Why do the plays remain popular today?

Here is a selection of Shakespeare’s plays, have you seen any of them?

1. The Merchant of Venice

2. Hamlet

3. As You Like It

4. Henry V


Write a short description of each play - What are they about?
1. The Merchant of Venice

2. Hamlet

3. As You Like It

4. Henry V

Which play would you like to see? Why?

Task 1.
Read the questions and highlight the correct answer:

1. When was William Shakespeare born?
1498 / 1564 / 1895

2. Where was Shakespeare born?
Stratford upon Avon / Cambridge / Oxford

3. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
8 / 38 / 108

4. How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?
154 / 14 / 38

5. What's the name of the ‘Shakespeare theatre' in London?
The World Theatre / The Old Shakespeare Theatre / The Globe Theatre

6. ‘To be or not to be, that is the question?’ is from which play?
As You Like It / Henry V / Hamlet

Task 2. Check your grammar: gap fill - verbs
Complete the gaps with a word from below

3. get
1. had
4. pay
7. hide
2. went
6. loses
8. fight
5. cut

1. William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway _______________ three children.

2.Shakespeare _______________ to London to work as an actor and a writer.

3. This play is about the idea that people usually _______________ what they deserve in the end.

4. If Antonio doesn’t _______________ back this money in time something terrible will happen.

5. Shylock will _______________ off a piece of his body.

6. Antonio _______________ all his business.

7. People _______________ in a beautiful forest.

8. Why do men _______________ ?

Task 3. Check your grammar: gap fill - past simple verbs
Write the past simple form of the verbs on the line.

1. have………………………….
2. go………………………….
3. get………………………….
4. pay………………………….
5. cut………………………….
6. lose………………………….
7. hide………………………….
8. fight………………………….

1. Click on the link Shakespeare and do the activities Take the quiz and True or False.
2. Write a short description of each play above. The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, As You Like It,Henry V. What are their genres?