Monday, May 6, 2013

Martha Speaks - Ice Scream

Before you watch:
- What food do you prefer?
- What is your favorite flavor of ice-cream?
- What food do you dislike?
- Do you think people should try something before they can say they dislike it?

Match the words and their definitions:  

1) disgusting                                

2) flavor                                        

3) to prefer
4) prejudiced
5) weird
6) choice
7) narrow-minded
8) peer pressure
9) aversion
10) to discriminate

a) странный, very strange and unusual
b) предпочитать, to like someone or something more than someone or something else
c) отвращение, a strong dislike
d) ограниченный, unwilling to accept or understand new or different ideas
e) отвратительный, extremely unpleasant
f) давление со стороны сверстников, a strong feeling that you must do the same things as other people of your age
g) выбор, when you can choose between several things
h) вкус, taste of a food or drink
i) предвзятый, having an unreasonable dislike of someone or something
j) относиться с предрассудками, to treat somebody differently from other people in an unfair way

Fill in the missing words from the list above:  
1) I have an ______ to bugs in gooey dog spit.
2) I admire your refusal to give in to ______________.
3) - Mmm, squid in sock-flavored ice-cream. Inky and delicious.
    - You mean _______, right?
4) How about you, Truman? What’s your favorite _______ of ice-cream?
5) You’re telling me there is not a single flavor you ______ over another?
6) But if you’ve made a choice never to try it because you’re _______ against ice-cream, you wouldn’t know that!
7) When you _______ against someone, it means you’re not nice to them because of how they look or where they’re from.
8) It’s not the ice-cream; it’s the principle of the thing – he’s being very ________.
9) Truman, I don’t care if you never eat any ice-cream. It’s your ______.
10) You think something _____ happened to him?

Watch the video:

Multiple choice questions:  

1. Helen is reading a book called ________ to Jacky.

  • “Blue papayas”
  • “Blue mangoes”
  • “Blue figs”
2. Alice’s favorite ice cream flavor is:
  • Vanilla Fudge Ripple
  • Chocolate Banana-Rama Split
  • Rocky Road
3. Truman doesn’t have a favorite flavor of ice-cream because:
  • he’s never eaten ice-cream
  • he likes all the flavors
  • he doesn’t like ice-cream
4. Alice has to give a report about:
  • Gelato
  • Coliseum
  • Italy
5. Truman pretends to eat ice-cream made from:
  • squashed tomatoes
  • mashed potatoes
  • puréed potatoes
6. Truman doesn’t want to taste ice-cream because:
  • he doesn’t want to get a cold
  • he doesn’t want to be like others
  • he doesn’t want to give in to peer pressure
7. The last page of the book says:
  • friends don’t always like the same things
  • no one should give in to peer pressure
  • you never know what you’re missing, if you don’t try it
8. Helen and T.D. used _______ to make the fake book:
  • crayons
  • chalk
  • paints
9. Alice has an aversion to:
  • food that is blue
  • food that is weird
  • food that’s been licked by a dog

True or false:
1) Helen thinks it would be great to taste blue mango-flavored ice-cream.
2) Alice thinks it is natural when a kid dislikes ice-cream.
3) Alice thinks that something weird happened to Truman when he was a child.
4) T.D. wants to buy a fake snake.
5) Alice thinks Truman is broad-minded.
6) Truman’s ice-cream melts very fast.
7) Truman is not against ice-cream, he’s against peer pressure.
8) Truman didn’t like blue ice-cream because Martha had licked it.

Who says these lines:
1) They smell like a squid wrapped up in old socks. Me, I prefer a big bag of rocks.
2) Don’t try to use your logic on me! It won’t work!
3) Well, I‘ve never dropped a hammer on my foot, but I’m pretty sure I dislike that.
4) I’m gonna get to the bottom of this.
5) Maybe someone put a fake bug in it, so they could have all the ice-cream?
6) What if you only gave in to a teeny-tiny, itty-bitty bit of peer pressure?
7) Oh, God! Let’s read it out loud. It will be a good lesson for somebody.
8) Anyway, at least, now Alice will quit harping on it.
9) So, from now on, if there’s ever any food that you don’t wanna eat, just let me know.
10) You guys weren’t trying to make me eat it anymore, so the choice was mine.

Read and repeat, answer the questions:
- You’re telling me there is not a single flavor you prefer over another? – Is Alice surprised?
- That doesn’t make any sense. – What is Alice talking about?
- Alice, Italy! Your report is due on Monday, remember? – Is Helen worried?
- Not that big a deal? How could you say that? – What does Alice feel? Does she agree with Helen?
- I can’t. That would be giving into peer pressure. – What does Truman mean?
- Ok, but I warn you, I’ll probably cry. – Does Truman think he’ll like the blue ice-cream?

Learn the words from this episode HERE

Play the game Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream and write down the 6 steps of making ice cream.

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