Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Discussion questions:

  • Have you heard about Pocahontas?
  • Do you know who she was and where she lived?
  • Do you know about any other important women in history?

Read Why is Pocahontas famous? Life in an Indian village. Meeting the colonists. Pocahontas gets married. Pocahontas in England. 

and answer true or false:
  • Pocahontas was a Native American.
  • She was born in Britain.
  • She helped her people make friends with colonists who had come to America from Britain.
  • Pocahontas was born in the 17th century.
  • Pocahontas lived at the same time as the famous writer Charles Dickens.
  • Pocahontas was famous as a peacemaker.
  • She was brave, because she was a soldier.
  • Pocahontas saved an Englishman named Peter Smith from being killed by her father
  • Pocahontas lived in the western part of what is now the United States.
  • Virginia was the name of the first British colony in America.
  • Pocahontas’s people were fishermen as well as hunters and farmers.
  • Maize is another name for sweet corn.
  • Christopher Columbus called Native Americans Indians because thought he discovered India.
  • Pocahontas was like a queen.
  • Her father was leader of a tribe.
  • Pocahontas had 4 names.
  • ‘Pocahontas’ means 'little snow feather'.
  • Pocahontas lived in a metal 'long house'.
  • Boys learned to hunt with spears or bows and arrows.
  • Girls learned how to look after babies and make clothes from wool.
  • Children played games, such as football and hopscotch.
  • The Native Americans at first welcomed the colonists.
  • Pocahontas’s people traded with the colonists.
  • The Native Americans showed the colonists how to hunt and make ‘long houses’.
  • When Pocahontas was about 12, she saved a colonist’s life.
  • John Smith was a farmer’s son.
  • John Smith once he was captured by Turks and made a slave, but escaped to Russia!
  • The colonists had many dangers: disease, starvation and fights with Native Americans.
  • Smith was kind to the Native Americans, so they liked him.
  • Pocahontas may have married when she was 14.
  • The colonists kidnapped Pocahontas.
  • While she was a prisoner, Pocahontas became a Christian.
  • She was given a new name, Rosalind.
  • In 1615, Pocahontas and John Rolfe got married.
  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe had a son, Thomas.
  • Pocahontas and John Rolfe’s marriage helped stop the fighting between the Native Americans and the English.
  • In 1617, Pocahontas went to England.
  • Pocahontas died of smallpox at the age of 23.
  • Pocahontas's became an important person in Virginia.

Play the game Pocahontas HERE and answer the questions below:

1. Pocahontas’s father was?
a warrior
a chief
a farmer

2. The colonists crossed _________ to get to America.
The Pacific Ocean
The Indian Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean

3. Native Americans made their knives from:

4. Native Americans made their plates from:

5. What did Native Americans put on their beds for comfort?
animal skins
woolen blankets
feather mattresses

6. At pow-wows Native Americans
gathered together and dance
played drums and flutes
fought each other

7. Why did the Powhatan and the English settlers’ children spend time in each other’s homes?
to play games and make friends
to learn each other’s language
to learn about new food

8. Native Americans made their fish hooks from

9. Native Americans made their blankets from:
animal skins

10. What was the colonists’ town called?

11. Why was John Smith asking for food?
because it was winter
because they couldn’t grow any food
because they ate all the animals

12. What food didn’t Pocahontas give to the settlers in the second game?

13. Pocahontas believed that John Rolfe was:

14. In the 17th century Poor people in had homes built from:

15. Potatoes were brought to England from:

18. In the 17th century poor English people didn’t wash very often and _____ lived on their bodies.

19. Only the very rich people had money to buy _______ from other countries, as they were so expensive.

20. In the 17th century poor English people didn’t have any toilets and just threw everything into the ______.

21. It was exciting for Pocahontas:
to welcome English settlers to her country
to visit England
to get married

Read the Fun Facts and answer the questions:
1. Why did Native Americans covered themselves with bear grease?
2. What sex were the first colonists? Why?
3. Why did Native American farmers put dead fish in the soil?
4. What things have been named after Pocahontas?
5. What were some of the foods new to the colonists?
6. How did Native Americans get across rivers and lakes?

Test your teacher and ask them to name these famous Russian women:

Learn the new words HERE.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Martha Speaks - Ice Scream

Before you watch:
- What food do you prefer?
- What is your favorite flavor of ice-cream?
- What food do you dislike?
- Do you think people should try something before they can say they dislike it?

Match the words and their definitions:  

1) disgusting                                

2) flavor                                        

3) to prefer
4) prejudiced
5) weird
6) choice
7) narrow-minded
8) peer pressure
9) aversion
10) to discriminate

a) странный, very strange and unusual
b) предпочитать, to like someone or something more than someone or something else
c) отвращение, a strong dislike
d) ограниченный, unwilling to accept or understand new or different ideas
e) отвратительный, extremely unpleasant
f) давление со стороны сверстников, a strong feeling that you must do the same things as other people of your age
g) выбор, when you can choose between several things
h) вкус, taste of a food or drink
i) предвзятый, having an unreasonable dislike of someone or something
j) относиться с предрассудками, to treat somebody differently from other people in an unfair way

Fill in the missing words from the list above:  
1) I have an ______ to bugs in gooey dog spit.
2) I admire your refusal to give in to ______________.
3) - Mmm, squid in sock-flavored ice-cream. Inky and delicious.
    - You mean _______, right?
4) How about you, Truman? What’s your favorite _______ of ice-cream?
5) You’re telling me there is not a single flavor you ______ over another?
6) But if you’ve made a choice never to try it because you’re _______ against ice-cream, you wouldn’t know that!
7) When you _______ against someone, it means you’re not nice to them because of how they look or where they’re from.
8) It’s not the ice-cream; it’s the principle of the thing – he’s being very ________.
9) Truman, I don’t care if you never eat any ice-cream. It’s your ______.
10) You think something _____ happened to him?

Watch the video:

Multiple choice questions:  

1. Helen is reading a book called ________ to Jacky.

  • “Blue papayas”
  • “Blue mangoes”
  • “Blue figs”
2. Alice’s favorite ice cream flavor is:
  • Vanilla Fudge Ripple
  • Chocolate Banana-Rama Split
  • Rocky Road
3. Truman doesn’t have a favorite flavor of ice-cream because:
  • he’s never eaten ice-cream
  • he likes all the flavors
  • he doesn’t like ice-cream
4. Alice has to give a report about:
  • Gelato
  • Coliseum
  • Italy
5. Truman pretends to eat ice-cream made from:
  • squashed tomatoes
  • mashed potatoes
  • puréed potatoes
6. Truman doesn’t want to taste ice-cream because:
  • he doesn’t want to get a cold
  • he doesn’t want to be like others
  • he doesn’t want to give in to peer pressure
7. The last page of the book says:
  • friends don’t always like the same things
  • no one should give in to peer pressure
  • you never know what you’re missing, if you don’t try it
8. Helen and T.D. used _______ to make the fake book:
  • crayons
  • chalk
  • paints
9. Alice has an aversion to:
  • food that is blue
  • food that is weird
  • food that’s been licked by a dog

True or false:
1) Helen thinks it would be great to taste blue mango-flavored ice-cream.
2) Alice thinks it is natural when a kid dislikes ice-cream.
3) Alice thinks that something weird happened to Truman when he was a child.
4) T.D. wants to buy a fake snake.
5) Alice thinks Truman is broad-minded.
6) Truman’s ice-cream melts very fast.
7) Truman is not against ice-cream, he’s against peer pressure.
8) Truman didn’t like blue ice-cream because Martha had licked it.

Who says these lines:
1) They smell like a squid wrapped up in old socks. Me, I prefer a big bag of rocks.
2) Don’t try to use your logic on me! It won’t work!
3) Well, I‘ve never dropped a hammer on my foot, but I’m pretty sure I dislike that.
4) I’m gonna get to the bottom of this.
5) Maybe someone put a fake bug in it, so they could have all the ice-cream?
6) What if you only gave in to a teeny-tiny, itty-bitty bit of peer pressure?
7) Oh, God! Let’s read it out loud. It will be a good lesson for somebody.
8) Anyway, at least, now Alice will quit harping on it.
9) So, from now on, if there’s ever any food that you don’t wanna eat, just let me know.
10) You guys weren’t trying to make me eat it anymore, so the choice was mine.

Read and repeat, answer the questions:
- You’re telling me there is not a single flavor you prefer over another? – Is Alice surprised?
- That doesn’t make any sense. – What is Alice talking about?
- Alice, Italy! Your report is due on Monday, remember? – Is Helen worried?
- Not that big a deal? How could you say that? – What does Alice feel? Does she agree with Helen?
- I can’t. That would be giving into peer pressure. – What does Truman mean?
- Ok, but I warn you, I’ll probably cry. – Does Truman think he’ll like the blue ice-cream?

Learn the words from this episode HERE

Play the game Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream and write down the 6 steps of making ice cream.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Shakespeare (the History of English)


1. Who was William Shakespeare?
2. What country was he from?
3. What is he famous for?

Watch the video and do additional video exercises HERE

Watch the video HERE and fill in the missing words:

1. ____________ words and phrases were invented by William Shakespeare.

2. He gave us handy words like “_________”,“_________” and “anchovy”.

3. He came up with a word “_________” soon after he ran out of words to rhyme with crocodile. (What words can be rhymed with “crocodile”?)

5. The nation of ___________ finally took him to their hearts when he invented the word “hobnob”.

6. Of course it’s possible other people used these words first but dictionary writers like looking them up in Shakespeare because there were more ‘___________’ and people ‘poking’ each others’ eyes out.

8. Shakespeare’s poetry showed the world that English was a rich, vibrant language, with ________ expressive and emotional power.

9. And he still had time to open all those _______ in Stratford.

Match Shakespeare's catchphrases with their definition:
  1. As dead as a doornail
  2. A plague on both your houses
  3. Eaten out of house and home
  4. Fair play
  5. Lay it on with a trowel
  6. Brevity is the soul of wit
  7. Break the ice
  8. Get your money’s worth
  9. Good riddance
  10. Green eyed monster
  11. Foul play
  12. Love is blind
  13. Hoist by your own petard

  • It means you are happy that someone or something is gone. Скатерьтю дорога.
  • It means that the shorter your speech is the better. Краткость сетра таланта.
  • A feeling of jealousy. Жадность.
  • When somebody eats all your food. Сожрать все под чистую.
  • Dead. Мертвее мертвого.
  • When you are unhappy with both sides of the argument. Чума на оба ваши дома.
  • When you cannot see anything bad in the person you love. Любовь слепа.
  • Unfair play in a game or sport. OR Unlawful or dishonest behavior. Нечестная игра.
  • To exaggerate, especially in order to flatter somebody (informal). Утрировать, бессовестно льстить кому-то.
  • British slang for correct or okay. OR It means someone or something is honest and good. Честная игра.
  • To spend money well. Стоит потраченных денег.
  • To stop being shy and start talking to people for the first time. Сделать первый шаг
  • When you wanted to do something bad to another person but instead it happened to you because of your actions. Не рой яму другому, сам в нее попадешь.

Read about Shakespeare HERE and do the activities below:

Read Why is Shakespeare famous? and answer True or False:
  • William Shakespeare is one of the world's greatest writers. He wrote novels and plays but he wasn’t interested in poetry.
  • Shakespeare was born in London, in England.
  • He became famous for writing plays.
  • Most people now say he was the best writer of all time.
  • Shakespeare lived more than 300 years ago. Yet people still go to see his plays.
  • William Shakespeare was born in 1564. He grew up in Tudor England in the time of Queen Elizabeth I.
  • He lived in boring times.
  • Shakespeare died in 1616.

Read The young Shakespeare and fill in the gaps:
  1. Many people think his birthday was 23 April - __________.
  2. William's short name was  __________.
  3. Shakespeare's father job was making __________.
  4. At school Shakespeare had lessons in __________, __________, and __________.
  5. If boys were naughty, the teacher __________ them.
  6. In 1582, Shakespeare got married. His wife, Anne Hathaway, was a ________ daughter.
  7. Anne Hathaway was ___ years older than William.

Read Shakespeare in London and choose the best answer:
1. Which stories tell us why Shakespeare left Stratford-upon-Avon:
  • He had to run away from home, after poaching deer.
  • He fell in love with a girl from London.
  • He went off to be a soldier.
  • He was a tutor in a rich family's home.

2. Why London?
  • London was where poor people became rich
  • London was the biggest city in England.
  • London had markets, shops, taverns (inns), churches and palaces.
  • London had theaters.

3. Why did Shakespeare stop writing plays for some time?
  • Shakespeare became an actor and stopped writing.
  • The theaters shut because of the plague.
  • He liked writing poems more than plays.
  • He was very sick.

Read Plays in Shakespeare's time and answer the questions:
  • What was the name of the theater that Shakespeare started with his friends? What does this word mean?
  • What were theaters like?
  • What is so special about the modern Globe Theater in London?
  • What was unusual about the actors in Shakespeare's day?
  • What role in what play did Shakespeare play himself?
  • What special effects did they have, why were some of them dangerous?
  • What kind of plays did Shakespeare write? What kind of play is Julius Caesar? Romeo and Juliet? A Midsummer Night Dream?

Read More about Shakespeare and match the time with what happened:

  • 1598
  • 1603
  • 1613
  • 1616

  1. The Globe Theater burned down.
  2. Shakespeare fell ill and died.
  3. Queen Elizabeth died. The new king was James I, from Scotland. James liked the theatre.
  4. By this year Shakespeare got rich and famous.

Play the game William Shakespeare Take part in the To Be or Not To Be? game show. - You can turn on the subtitles - press letter S in the right upper corner.
Answer the questions:
1. What did you have to do in the first challenge Ruff Guess? What characters did you see in the 1st challenge?
2. What facts did you learn about in the first challenge?
3. What did you have to do in the second challenge Box Office Bonanza? What objects did you see in this challenge?
4. What facts did you learn about in the second challenge?
5. What did you have to do in the third challenge Shaky Sayings? Can you remember some of the sayings?
6. What facts did you learn about in the third challenge?
7. Do you remember what you answered to some of the questions in the Bedazzling Quiz Showdown?

Do the quiz about Shakespeare Here. See the bottom of the page.

Are you an expert on Shakespeare now? Answer the questions and see:
1. At school as a punishment, children were given...
  • fines
  • beatings
  • days off
2. Before Shakespeare was a writer, he was an...
  • actor
  • artist
  • acrobat
3. Which of these is a play by Shakespeare?
  • Oliver Twist
  • Hamlet
  • Crime and Punishment
4. What was the name of Shakespeare's theater?
  • the Rose
  • the Curtain
  • the Globe
5. Who played roles of young women like Juliet in Shakespeare's time?
  • A boy
  • A girl
  • An old woman
6. What did Shakespeare's father make?
  • Pens
  • Gloves
  • Shoes
7. Where was Shakespeare born?
  • Stratford-upon-Avon
  • London
  • Birmingham
8. Complete Shakespeare's phrase: A _____ on both your houses
  • death
  • plague
  • fire
9. Shakespeare was only ____ when he got married:
  • 16
  • 14
  • 18

Learn the words HERE.

QUIZ YOUR TEACHER ask him/her these questions about Russian famous writers (but be sure you know the answers yourself:)
1. Name a famous Russian writer who wrote ‘Crime and Punishment’. What is it about?
2. Name a famous Russian writer who wrote ‘War and Peace’. What is it about?
3. Name a famous Russian poet who wrote ‘Eugene Onegin’. What is it about?
4. Name these people: