Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mr Snow

1. Before you watch:

1.What do you like to do for fun in winter?
2. What does your family usually do on Christmas Eve?
3. Do you make a snowman? How do you make it?
4. Where do you usually find your Christmas presents?
5. What present would you like to get this year? OR What did you get this year?
6. How does your family usually celebrate Christmas?

The Vocabulary:

a snowflake - снежинка
to fall (fell, fallen) - падать
to cover - покрывать
a field - поле
to come out выходить (о солнце)
dressed up – наряженный, приодетый
muffled up – укутанный
a scarf - шарф
a wooly – шерстяной свитер
gloves - перчатки
catch a cold – подхватить простуду
excited – в восторге
a sledge – санки
to throw (threw, thrown) - бросать
Christmas Eve — канун Рождества
to bring (brought, brought) - приносить
to be in trouble – быть в беде, иметь проблемы
to be stuck - застревать
to pull - тянуть
a sleigh - сани
to deliver - доставлять
to bring smb to life — оживлять кого-либо
a beard - борода
talkative - болтливый
to divide - делить
to make sure - убеждаться
to choose (chose, chosen) - выбирать

2. Watch the video and answer the questions:

1. Did the children like the snow? What did they do outside?
2. Why were the children muffled up?
3. Why did the children go home early?
4. What happened to Father Christmas?
5. What idea did Father Christmas have?
6. How did Father Christmas bring the Snowman to life?
7. Did the Snowman agree to help Father Christmas?
8. What did Susie, Peter and Jane get for Christmas?
9. What did Father Christmas do with the Snowman after they finished?
10. Why should you make your snowman properly?

3. What winter and Christmas words from the video can you remember?

4. Fill in the missing words:

1.When morning came it was quite amazing to see just how much snow had ________.
2. All the houses, all the trees, all the roads and all the _______ were ________.
3. All the children were so _________ to see so much snow.
4. Some of them went on their ________ racing down hills.
5. And the trouble was, that it had snowed so much, that Father Christmas ________.
6. There was so much snow that his reindeer simply couldn’t ______ his ________.
7. Of course I'll have to use some of my magic and _____________.
8. He tugged his white _______ three times and muttered some Father Christmasy magic words
into it.
9.They ________ the work between them.
10. It was Father Christmas's job to __________ he took all the right sacks down all the right
chimneys and ________ all the right toys to all the right boys...

The missing words:
• to be stuck
• to divide
• a sleigh
• a beard
• to fall
• a field
• to bring smb to life
• excited
• to make sure
• a sledge
• to cover
• to deliver
• to pull

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