Sunday, December 23, 2012

Mr Sneeze

Before you watch:
1. Do you often have a cold?
2. How do you catch a cold?
3. What can you do to avoid catching a cold?
4. What are the ways to cure a cold?

The Vocabulary:
the North Pole - Северный полюс
to sneeze - чихнуть
common - обычный
to freeze - заморозить
imagine - вообразить
surprising - удивительный
to shiver - дрожать
a cure - лечение
a handkerchief - носовой платок
to notice - заметить
eventually - в конце концов
wonder - желать знать
to think out loud - думать вслух
a cold - простуда
a wise old wizard - Старый мудрый волшебник
to catch a cold - простудиться
nonsense - чушь
to point to something - указывать на
exclaim - восклицать
extraordinary - Чрезвычайный
to mutter - бормотать
to wave a wand - махнуть волшебной палочкой
gloomy - мрачный
certainly - конечно
hurry up - торопиться
immediately - немедленно
afterwards - потом
suddenly - вдруг
indeed - действительно
disappear - исчезнуть
to melt - таять
to chase - преследовать
discover - обнаруживать

Watch the video and answer the questions below:

  • What city is Mr Sneeze from?
  • What is the weather like there?
  • What colour is everyone’s nose in Coldland?
  • What is the most common noise in Coldland?
  • What does Mr Sneeze usually do after he wakes up?
  • Does he like sneezing?
  • Why did he leave Coldland?
  • What things did he pack for his journey?
  • What did he notice when he was far away from Coldland?
  • How did Old Wise Wizard get to Coldland?
  • How did Old Wise Wizard help Mr Sneeze and everyone who lived in Coldland?
  • What are the two things different about Mr Sneeze now?
Fill in the missing words:

  1. This is Coldland, which is a country somewhere near ________.
  2. When it’s not snowing, it’s ________.
  3. The sound of the sneeze is very ________ indeed in Snowland.
  4. One day he decided to leave Coldland and try to find ________ for the sneezes.
  5. As he walked away from Coldland he ________ that there was less and less snow.
  6. ‘I ________ why I’m not sneezing?’ he thought to himself.
  7. ‘I say this is a cold, ________ place’ said the wizard.’
  8. ‘Please, ________,’ said Mr Sneeze who was rapidly turning into a snowman.
  9. Then, quite ________, as if by magic, which indeed it was, the sun came out from behind the big black clouds.
  10. Mr Sneeze just stood there in the sunshine, watching the snow begin ________.

The missing words:

  • common
  • a cure
  • the North Pole
  • suddenly
  • to melt
  • noticed
  • hurry up
  • gloomy
  • wonder
  • freezing

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