Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mr Snow

1. Before you watch:

1.What do you like to do for fun in winter?
2. What does your family usually do on Christmas Eve?
3. Do you make a snowman? How do you make it?
4. Where do you usually find your Christmas presents?
5. What present would you like to get this year? OR What did you get this year?
6. How does your family usually celebrate Christmas?

The Vocabulary:

a snowflake - снежинка
to fall (fell, fallen) - падать
to cover - покрывать
a field - поле
to come out выходить (о солнце)
dressed up – наряженный, приодетый
muffled up – укутанный
a scarf - шарф
a wooly – шерстяной свитер
gloves - перчатки
catch a cold – подхватить простуду
excited – в восторге
a sledge – санки
to throw (threw, thrown) - бросать
Christmas Eve — канун Рождества
to bring (brought, brought) - приносить
to be in trouble – быть в беде, иметь проблемы
to be stuck - застревать
to pull - тянуть
a sleigh - сани
to deliver - доставлять
to bring smb to life — оживлять кого-либо
a beard - борода
talkative - болтливый
to divide - делить
to make sure - убеждаться
to choose (chose, chosen) - выбирать

2. Watch the video and answer the questions:

1. Did the children like the snow? What did they do outside?
2. Why were the children muffled up?
3. Why did the children go home early?
4. What happened to Father Christmas?
5. What idea did Father Christmas have?
6. How did Father Christmas bring the Snowman to life?
7. Did the Snowman agree to help Father Christmas?
8. What did Susie, Peter and Jane get for Christmas?
9. What did Father Christmas do with the Snowman after they finished?
10. Why should you make your snowman properly?

3. What winter and Christmas words from the video can you remember?

4. Fill in the missing words:

1.When morning came it was quite amazing to see just how much snow had ________.
2. All the houses, all the trees, all the roads and all the _______ were ________.
3. All the children were so _________ to see so much snow.
4. Some of them went on their ________ racing down hills.
5. And the trouble was, that it had snowed so much, that Father Christmas ________.
6. There was so much snow that his reindeer simply couldn’t ______ his ________.
7. Of course I'll have to use some of my magic and _____________.
8. He tugged his white _______ three times and muttered some Father Christmasy magic words
into it.
9.They ________ the work between them.
10. It was Father Christmas's job to __________ he took all the right sacks down all the right
chimneys and ________ all the right toys to all the right boys...

The missing words:
• to be stuck
• to divide
• a sleigh
• a beard
• to fall
• a field
• to bring smb to life
• excited
• to make sure
• a sledge
• to cover
• to deliver
• to pull

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Mr Sneeze

Before you watch:
1. Do you often have a cold?
2. How do you catch a cold?
3. What can you do to avoid catching a cold?
4. What are the ways to cure a cold?

The Vocabulary:
the North Pole - Северный полюс
to sneeze - чихнуть
common - обычный
to freeze - заморозить
imagine - вообразить
surprising - удивительный
to shiver - дрожать
a cure - лечение
a handkerchief - носовой платок
to notice - заметить
eventually - в конце концов
wonder - желать знать
to think out loud - думать вслух
a cold - простуда
a wise old wizard - Старый мудрый волшебник
to catch a cold - простудиться
nonsense - чушь
to point to something - указывать на
exclaim - восклицать
extraordinary - Чрезвычайный
to mutter - бормотать
to wave a wand - махнуть волшебной палочкой
gloomy - мрачный
certainly - конечно
hurry up - торопиться
immediately - немедленно
afterwards - потом
suddenly - вдруг
indeed - действительно
disappear - исчезнуть
to melt - таять
to chase - преследовать
discover - обнаруживать

Watch the video and answer the questions below:

  • What city is Mr Sneeze from?
  • What is the weather like there?
  • What colour is everyone’s nose in Coldland?
  • What is the most common noise in Coldland?
  • What does Mr Sneeze usually do after he wakes up?
  • Does he like sneezing?
  • Why did he leave Coldland?
  • What things did he pack for his journey?
  • What did he notice when he was far away from Coldland?
  • How did Old Wise Wizard get to Coldland?
  • How did Old Wise Wizard help Mr Sneeze and everyone who lived in Coldland?
  • What are the two things different about Mr Sneeze now?
Fill in the missing words:

  1. This is Coldland, which is a country somewhere near ________.
  2. When it’s not snowing, it’s ________.
  3. The sound of the sneeze is very ________ indeed in Snowland.
  4. One day he decided to leave Coldland and try to find ________ for the sneezes.
  5. As he walked away from Coldland he ________ that there was less and less snow.
  6. ‘I ________ why I’m not sneezing?’ he thought to himself.
  7. ‘I say this is a cold, ________ place’ said the wizard.’
  8. ‘Please, ________,’ said Mr Sneeze who was rapidly turning into a snowman.
  9. Then, quite ________, as if by magic, which indeed it was, the sun came out from behind the big black clouds.
  10. Mr Sneeze just stood there in the sunshine, watching the snow begin ________.

The missing words:

  • common
  • a cure
  • the North Pole
  • suddenly
  • to melt
  • noticed
  • hurry up
  • gloomy
  • wonder
  • freezing

Monday, December 17, 2012

Rotting hills - The New Girl


Discussion questions:

1.Who is your best friend at school? Tell more about him/her.
2. What do you do together?
3. Have you ever had a new pupil in class?
4. Have you ever been a new pupil in class?
5. Have you ever ditched classes?

Vocabulary Definition

(n) a human
a person
'Humans don't live on this planet.'
(adj) superior
better, more powerful than a similar person
'Your warriors are far superior to mine.'
(v) to yell
to shout
'Help me!' she yelled hysterically.'
(n) choice
ability to choose between several things
'He has to make some important choices.'
(v) to ditch not to go to school, a class
'Did you ditch class today?'
(adj) eternal
continuing for ever
'the Christian promise of eternal life'
(n) meaning
the thing or idea that a word represents
'The meaning of her words was clear.'


(adj) decomposed
something decay
'a partially decomposed body'
(v) to threaten
to say that you will cause someone harm
'Workers are threatening a strike.'
(v) to shake
to move suddenly from side to side or up and down
'She shook him to wake him up.'


Fill in the missing words, use the correct grammar form:

1. Why don't we ______ class and you can tell me all about this wonderful town?
2. Clark, what's wrong with you? - Make a ______, Clark...
3. Everyone knows vampires are ________ to zombies in the undead hierarchy.
4. I don't know the _______ of the word hierarchy.
5. Hi, honey! Did you _______ home dinner?
6. Please excuse my not coming out to _______ your hand.
7. Ok, _______. Time for my feeding.
8. Oh, the rotten corpse is _________ me.
9. Is your brain too ________?
10. Would someone evil offer you ______ life?
11. Clark, I'm sorry I _____at you.

Missing words:
a) to bring
b) to yell
c) choice
d) to threaten
e) superior
f) to shake
g) to ditch
h) decomposed
i) meaning
j) human
k) eternal

Compare Zoe to the new girl considering:

  • appearance
  • personality
  • power
  • pets
  • attitude to Clark

Answer the questions:

1.Why didn't Zoe want Clark to sit next to her?
2. Why was the new girl interested in 'being friends' with Clark?
3. Why did Clark decide to ditch classes?
4. Who does the vampire girl live with?
5. What did the vampire offer Clark?
6. Why did Clark choose Zoe?
7. How did Zoe and Buddy save Clark?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Alexandr & the Mysterious Knightkat

Definition / Sentence
  1. meerkat - A small southern African mongoose.
  2. knight - a noble soldier of the old times - рыцарь
  3. rattle - A rapid succession of short, sharp, hard sounds - греметь
"the rattle of teacups on the tray".
  1. window panes - a part of window glass
  2. howling gale - very strong wind that makes noises - завывающий ветер
  3. mansion /ˈmanSHən/ - a big expensive house like a small palace - особняк
‘Would you like to live in a mansion?’
  1. enormous /iˈnôrməs/ - very big - огромный
She has an enormous talent.
  1. dungeon /ˈdənjən/ - A strong underground prison cell, esp. in a castle - подземная темница.
‘She was thrown into the dungeon.’
  1. seed - A flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant - семя
‘If you put a seed into the ground and water it you will get a plant.’
  1. to scratch - Score or mark the surface of (something) with a sharp or pointed object - царапать.
‘My cat never scratches me.’’
  1. ladybird - a small bug with red wings and black spots on them
  2. flea /fli:/ - A small wingless jumping insect that feeds on the blood of mammals and birds, including the human flea - блоха
‘My cat has got fleas.’
  1. lair - A wild animal's resting place, esp. one that is well hidden. A secret or private place - логово
‘A bear spends the winter asleep in his lair.’
  1. scoundrel /ˈskaundrəl/ - a bad and dishonest person - мерзавец
‘dirty rotten scoundrels’
  1. science - a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws - наука
‘I want to study Science at college.’’
  1. villain /ˈvilən/ - a bad person - злодей
‘There is always a villain in every fairy tale.’
  1. urgency - срочность; безотлагательность; крайняя необходимость.
‘It’s a matter of urgency.’’
  1. cravat - something like a tie and a scarf at the same time - широкий галстук
‘It is customary for an Englishman to wear a cravat to his wedding.’
  1. traffic jam - when the cars on the road stop or move very slowly - пробка
‘We are stuck in a traffic jam.’
  1. claw - a big nail of an animal - коготь
‘How big is a polar bear’s paw and claws?’
  1. wink - to close and open one eye quickly, typically as a signal - подмигивать
‘Did she just wink at me?’
  1. night vision - the ability to see in the dark - ночное зрение
‘Owls have the best bird night vision.’
  1. sign - an object with writing on it giving information or instructions - вывеска
‘There was a sign ‘Help Wanted’ in the window’
  1. sniff - to smell something - нюхать
‘his dog sniffed at my sleeve’
  1. splat - A sound of something soft and wet or heavy striking a surface - шлёп!
he heard a splat as it hit the floor’
  1. equipment /iˈkwipmənt/ - The necessary items for a particular purpose.- оборудование
‘Don’t try it at home without a special equipment.’
  1. waist - The part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips - талия
‘She has a slim waist’
  1. tin opener - a device for cutting cans open - консервный нож
  2. thrill - A sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure - глубокое волнение
‘the thrill of jumping out of an airplane’.


1. This story is about a superhero, what are some famous superheroes you can name? What were their superpowers?
2. If you were a superhero what would you be and what superpower would you have?


1. What was the weather like in the story?
2. What is the dungeon in Orlov’s mansion full of?
3. What two figures are there in the dungeon? What are they doing?
4. Who is Knightkat?
5. Who is Dr. Robogoose? Where does he get his name from?
6. Does a stinky metal villain pop out if you put a mongoose in a toaster?
7. Why did Knightkat nearly spill his ladybug tea on his cravat?
8. What does Knightkat use his secret camera for?
9. What is Knightkat’s secret camera showing now?
10. What was Knightkat wearing to rescue Maya?
11. What is supposed to show that Knightkat is on a mission?
12. Why can’t everyone go on the Internet and see what Knightkat is up to?
13. What is Knightkat’s superpower? How fast can he travel?
14. What is nasty Robogoose missing according to Knightkat?
15. What is Knightkat’s own invention to deal with nasty metal villains?
16. What happens to Maya?
17. Who wakes Alexandr up?

Alexandr’s English is not very good, can you make it better? Spot the mistakes in the text and rewrite it, for example:
ORIGINAL ‘In mountain village of Meerkovo everywhere was full of raining, and the wind made rattle against the window panes.’
CORRECTED ‘It was raining hard in a mountain village of Meerkovo, and the wind was rattling against the window panes.’


  • This video advertises house insurance.
  • The Battle of Fearlessness is second part in the Orlov Family History Trilogy.
  • His great grandad's name was Vitaly.
  • He was fighting a fox army.
  • Meerkats won the battle.
  • Vitaly was very seriously wounded.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rotting Hills - Night at the Office

Discussion questions:

  1. What is your mom and dad's job?
  2. What do you want to do when you grow up? Why?
  3. What is the most boring job in the world?
  4. What do you think is the most exciting job in the world?
  5. What is Clark's dad's job?
  6. What is Clark's mom's job?

Definition Sentence/Phrase
(n) Java
(Am.,inf.) coffee
I always start the morning with java.
(adj) upset
unhappy and worried She was really upset about the way her father treated her.
(v) to split up
to be divided into different parts or groups Let's split up to find it.
(n) account
a statement that shows how much money you owe
(n) a bunch of people
a group of people
a friendly bunch of people
(adj) careful
used to tell someone to think about what they're doing
Be careful - the floor's slippery.
(v) to figure out
to think about a problem until you find the answer
Can you figure out how to do it?
(v) to mind
if you do not mind what someone does you don't have a strong opinion about it
(v) to search
to try to find someone or something
I always use Google Search to find information.

Find the odd word out and name the group:
1. computer, printer, scanner, corpse, copier
2. secretary, manager, undertaker, assistant, accountant
3. pen, stapler, pencil, bone, file
4. to type, to send, to bury, to write, to get

Compare the pictures in the presentation below. 
What are the differences between a usual office and Restful Hills office?


Complete the sentences:

  • When Clark was watching TV and his Mom _________, his Dad ________.
  • Clark decided to go to Dad's office because he thought _________.
  • Clark and Zoe went to the office by ______ which_________.
  • Dad was working late because ___________.
  • Zombies were angry because ___________.
  • Zoe fixed the coffee machine by ___________.

Fill in the missing words:

  1. Could you file this to watching ________?
  2. I'm not sure. The guys here seem to be ______ over something.
  3. He doesn't ______ you're driving it?
  4. We have to ________ the office. - Let's _______ up.
  5. The problem is I can't ________ out what's wrong with it.
  6. I can't get a stick of work out of these folks till they get their ______.
  7. It's like working with a ______ of zombies.
  8. _______, your hands are like ice!

Missing words:
a) a bunch
b) to mind
c) careful
d) upset
e) to search
f) account
g) to split (up)
h) to figure
i) java

Monday, November 19, 2012

Rotting Hills - Drive to School

Discussion questions:
1. How do you usually get to school?
- by bus
- by underground
- by car
- by bicycle
- on foot
2. How long does your trip take?
3. What time do you start school?
4. What time do you go home after your lessons?
5. How do you get home from school?

Try to imagine what Restful Hills Elementary looks like and describe a day of a student there using as many scary words as you can, for example: blood, zombie-teacher, bones, skeletons, rotting flesh, etc.

Vocabulary: Definition Sentence/Phrase
(n) lift (give a lift) - to take somebody somewhere in your car/bike
'John gave me a lift home'.
(adj) rude - speaking or behaving in a way that is not polite
'Why are you so rude to her?'
(v) to pick up to take somebody somewhere in your car/bike
'I'll pick you up at the station'
(n) neighbourhood - an area of a town or city
'She grew up in a quiet neighborhood of Boston'.
(adj) genuine - something real
'The jacket is genuine leather'
(v) to exist to be real or alive
'Do ghosts really exist?'
(adj) ridiculous - very silly or unreasonable
'That's a ridiculous idea!'
(v) to wonder - to think about something that you are not sure about
'I wonder if I may have a drink?'
(adj) terrifying - extremely frightening
'terrifying screams'


True or False:
  • Clark's school starts early in the morning.
  • Clark's dad is afraid of zombies.
  • Clark says that zombies are big rotting corpses with peeled skin, big teeth, horrible eyes and putrid breath.
  • Zoe likes Clark's description of zombies.
  • The Skulls neighbourhood is ominous.
  • Clark wants to scare his dad into admitting the undead exist.
Who said that and what they were talking about:
  • She was just showing us her pet.
  • Everyone stays away from the sculls.
  • All it will take is a close encounter with that zombie.
  • I moved you and your mother out to Restful Hills to start a new life.
  • Well, at least, now my dad's got a ride to work.
Fill in the missing words:
  1. Haven't you _________ why school here starts at midnight?
  2. I've arranged to ________ your little friend on the way.
  3. Are you telling me that you can't see this is a _______ undead dog.
  4. I think we are in the Skulls __________.
  5. This looks like a short ______ down this dark ________ tunnel.
  6. I'm gonna scare my dad into admitting the undead _______.
  7. Don't be _________!
  8. ________ fellas, these bikers.
  9. It was nice of that little girl to give us a _____ to school in her bike.
Missing words:
a) terrifying
b) lift
c) wondered
d) rude
e) neighbourhood
f) exist
g) genuine
h) ridiculous
i) cut
j) pick up

Listen and repeat:
  • So, first day at your new school. Big day. - Does dad sound excited?
  • It's not day, dad, it's night! - Does Clark sound happy?
  • Haven't you wondered why school here starts at midnight? - Does Clark sound angry?
  • Things are different out here in the country
  • Haven't you ever heard of night school?
  • Cheer up, son, I arranged to pick up your little friend on the way. - Does dad sound cheerful?
  • Friend?! - Does Clark sound shocked?
  • Something's wrong, Clark?
  • Z-z-z-zombies! - Does Clark sound terrified? 

William Shakespeare

Before you watch:
What do you think about Shakespeare?
Have you seen any of his plays?
Have you seen any movies based on Shakespeare’s plays?
Which play would like to see the most and why?

Vocabulary: Definition/sentence/phrase

1. (n) poet a person who writes poems

2. (n) playwright a person who writes plays

3. (adv) widely to a great degree; "her work is widely known"
4. (v) regarded to hold (a person or thing) in respect, admiration, we regard your work very highly
5. (v) performed To give a public presentation. “My theater group performed a three-act play”.
6. (n) sonnet A 14-line verse form/poem
7. (adj) situated having a place or location
8. (n) reconstruction making something again
9. (adj) modern present, here and now - modern films, buildings
10. (n) characters an imaginary person in a work of fiction (play or film or story); "she is the main character in the novel"
11. (n) groundlings someone who has a cheap standing ticket for a theatre
12. (n) history past information
13. (n) comedy funny drama
14. (n) tragedy drama that ends badly through death
15. (n) slapstick drama that has “slapstick style of humor”
16. (n) puns a funny play on words “ I do it for the pun of it”
17. (n) genre a category of films/books comedy genre, horror genre

Click on Video William Shakespeare - Press CC for subtitles:
What is William Shakespeare famous for?
How many plays did he write
How many sonnets did he write
What is a sonnet?
Where was he born?
We know he was a writer, but what else was he?
Where did he act out his plays? What was the name of the theatre?
What is his most popular genres?
What are the 4 genres?
What age did William die?
Why do the plays remain popular today?

Here is a selection of Shakespeare’s plays, have you seen any of them?

1. The Merchant of Venice

2. Hamlet

3. As You Like It

4. Henry V


Write a short description of each play - What are they about?
1. The Merchant of Venice

2. Hamlet

3. As You Like It

4. Henry V

Which play would you like to see? Why?

Task 1.
Read the questions and highlight the correct answer:

1. When was William Shakespeare born?
1498 / 1564 / 1895

2. Where was Shakespeare born?
Stratford upon Avon / Cambridge / Oxford

3. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
8 / 38 / 108

4. How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?
154 / 14 / 38

5. What's the name of the ‘Shakespeare theatre' in London?
The World Theatre / The Old Shakespeare Theatre / The Globe Theatre

6. ‘To be or not to be, that is the question?’ is from which play?
As You Like It / Henry V / Hamlet

Task 2. Check your grammar: gap fill - verbs
Complete the gaps with a word from below

3. get
1. had
4. pay
7. hide
2. went
6. loses
8. fight
5. cut

1. William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway _______________ three children.

2.Shakespeare _______________ to London to work as an actor and a writer.

3. This play is about the idea that people usually _______________ what they deserve in the end.

4. If Antonio doesn’t _______________ back this money in time something terrible will happen.

5. Shylock will _______________ off a piece of his body.

6. Antonio _______________ all his business.

7. People _______________ in a beautiful forest.

8. Why do men _______________ ?

Task 3. Check your grammar: gap fill - past simple verbs
Write the past simple form of the verbs on the line.

1. have………………………….
2. go………………………….
3. get………………………….
4. pay………………………….
5. cut………………………….
6. lose………………………….
7. hide………………………….
8. fight………………………….

1. Click on the link Shakespeare and do the activities Take the quiz and True or False.
2. Write a short description of each play above. The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, As You Like It,Henry V. What are their genres?