Friday, October 17, 2014

Time Capsule. WW2 - Lesson Plan

suggested activities:
Discussion: students are asked what they think a time capsule is and what can be found in it.

Before students play the game BBC Primary History - Time Capsules: WW2. Ask them what objects can be found in a capsule from Victorian times. 

After they read the introduction ask them to choose the capsule and answer the question about this time period to open it.

Play the  game (either at the lesson or at home), if played at the lesson ask your students to share the screen and discuss the game as you go.

Read the instructions of the game together and make sure everything is clear. Explain that they will have to read about each object and then read the information on the suspects to guess who buried the capsule.

If played at home ask your students to write a short description of every object and every suspect. 

Ask your students if they had to put things into a time capsule to tell about their lives and time period what would they put in it?

Students learn the words Time Capsule - WW2
The recommended way of learning the words is:
To check the students have learnt the words the following lesson invite them to share the screen and do the Learn part together.
Students choose a word to fill in the gaps that was ACTUALLY used in the game:

She's telling the child how much she _______ them and that she hopes they are happy while they are away from home.
  • loves
  • misses
  • remembers

People used dried egg ______ which they mixed with water.
  • liquid
  • powder
  • solids

Boys would tie _______ to wooden soldiers with string and then throw them into the air, they would fall back down like parachutes.
  • handkerchiefs
  • material
  • scarves

The _____ were very worried that the German planes might drop  poison gas bombs.
  • teachers
  • police
  • government

The year this capsule was ______ Jenny was allowed to go home to Birmingham.
  • hidden
  • put in the ground
  • buried

When she got to her street she found that her house had been completely ______.
  • destroyed
  • wrecked
  • demolished

Paul leighton was very young when he was _______ but he returned home the year this capsule was buried.
  • evacuated
  • taken away
  • relocated

Sarah lived on a _______ farm during the war.
  • potato
  • dairy
  • tomato

He could _____ every plane by its outline in the sky.
  • tell
  • recognise
  • identify

Anyone needing to find their way around would need a map as all the signposts were taken down, so that if enemy soldiers_______ they wouldn't know where they were
  • broke into
  • trespassed
  • invaded
There was _____ many things during the war so a lot of toys were made of whatever people could spare.
  • a lack of
  • plenty of
  • a shortage of

Charles's family was quite _____ and he had attended an expensive school before the war.
  • rich
  • wealthy
  • well-off

The whole school was  moved into a large country manor house where the boys could continue their _____.
  • studies
  • education
  • schooling

She had to ______ without lots of things she was used to, including chips from the chip shop, and she hated dried eggs from a tin.
  • live
  • survive
  • make do

He saw cows and sheep for the very first time and spent a lot of his time _____ wild berries and nuts.
  • gathering
  • picking
  • collecting

The record of what foods they bought was kept in a _____ book.
  • ration
  • food
  • distribution

Their house didn’t have electricity and the toilet was _____.
  • inside
  • outside
  • attached

Please, leave your feedback in the comments both students and teachers.

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