Monday, February 25, 2013

BBC History. Kids in Norman Times.

Before you watch:
  • What other historic periods have you visited with Eric?
  • Who were the Normans? Where did they come to Britain from?
  • You can find the answers HERE.
Who Were the Normans Quiz

Vocabulary:  Watch the video and answer the questions:

1. Everybody sleeps _________ in Norman time.
  • naked
  • clothed
  • stark

2. What gets washed every Easter?

  • the boy’s shirt
  • the boy’s trousers
  • the boy’s tunic

3. Does the boy’s clothes smell?

  • Yes
  • No
  • A little bit

4. Eric is _______.

  • a squire
  • a knight
  • a page

5. He was sent to live here:

  • 3 years ago
  • 4 years ago
  • 5 years ago

6. Breakfast is _______.

  • eggs
  • bread
  • beer

7. Why wouldn’t you want to drink the water?

  • because it is rain water
  • because it can be poisoned
  • because the toilet goes into the moat

8. What do they learn?

  • reading , writing, arithmetic
  • hawking, heraldry, horsemanship
  • archery, swordsmanship, fencing

9. Why does the boy want to be a knight?

  • to go round and conquer lands
  • to become a king after
  • to be rich and powerful

10. What does the boy miss?

  • his mom’s cooking
  • his dad’s singing
  • his grandpa's stories

11. Where do all the men have to go?

  • to attack the Welsh
  • to raid Normandy
  • to defend their land

12. Who has to stay behind?

  • women
  • oldsters
  • pages

Fill in the gaps:

  1. Does it ________ a bit? A little bit.
  2. Children are only  ________  1 pot.
  3. In the moat it will  ________ .
  4. We learn the three H's: Hawking, Heraldry and ________ .
  5. Soon I will be a squire. Then a  ________ . I'll go round and  ________  lands.
  6. I do stuff to learn  ________  first. But I'll be  ________  at that.
  7. Pages also often  ________  at meals.
  8. The Welsh are raiding. All the men have to go and ________ our lands.

  • serve
  • allowed
  • brilliant
  • weapons
  • defend
  • conquer
  • pong
  • float
  • knight
  • Horsemanship

How do you know a Norman Castle? Read the information and answer the questions:

  • What architectural feature was in fashion back in Norman times?
  • Where did workers live in the castle?
  • What was the castle built on and why?
  • What were the walls made of in 1066?
  • What was the strongest central point of the castle called?
  • What were the moat and the drawbridge for?
  • Why did they make the windows narrow and small back then?

What is the castle like inside? Read the information and answer the questions:

  • Why is it dark?
  • Why is it noisy?
  • Why is it smelly?
  • Why is it  smoky?
  • How would you feel if you lived there and then?
Read the description of a game Medieval Feasting and answer the questions:

  • What people could you see at a Medieval Feast?
  • Who were the most important, less important and the least important people at a feast?
  • Explain who were lords and ladies, pages, noblemen, entertainers and peasants. Who would you rather like to be? Why?
Read a menu of a Sunday Roast - Norman Style and answer the questions:

  • How many courses are there on the menu?
  • How many courses are available to peasants?
  • What kind of dessert is on the menu?
  • What did they eat last?
  • What is the most difficult thing to cook on the menu?
  • What course would you like to try?
  • What course would you not want to try? Why?
Describe the picture of a Medieval Feast and identify people and food.

Find all the words in the exercises that describe THE NORMANS, think about:
  • places,
  • things,
  • clothes,
  • food,
  • jobs, etc
Prepare for the TEST next lesson.

English-English TESTS

Learn the words with Russian translation:

Match words and their definitions:

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