Saturday, January 26, 2013

BBC History. The Stone Age

Before you watch
  • What do you know about the Stone Age?
  • How did people get their food?
  • How did they cook bread?
  • How did they make clothes?
  • What were their houses like?
  • What kind of work did they do?

Vocabulary / Definition / Translation
to move - to change the place where you live - переезжать
the Stone Age - a historic period when the tools people used were made out of stone - каменный век
a winter camp - a place where people stay during winter - зимняя стоянка, зимний лагерь
seasons - summer, autumn, winter and spring - времена года
an otter - an animal that lives in the river - выдра
poo - something that comes out of your body in the toilet - какашки
a hunter - a person who kills animals for food - охотник
a gatherer - a person that gathers berries and other edible things - собиратель
to skin animals - сдирать шкуру с животного
to get the hang of something - to learn to do something well - овладеть каким-то навыком
a cooker - an electrical device we use to cook food on - плита
steam - what happens when you heat up water - пар
an eel - a snakelike fish - уж

Watch the video and choose the correct answer:

1. What is the boy's family doing today?
they are going for a ride
they are moving to their winter camp
they are going on holiday

2. Why is the boy asking "Are we there yet?"
He's excited
He’s angry
He’s surprised

3. What historical period is it?
Late Stone Age
Late Iron Age
Late Bronze Age

4. What do they follow?

6. It takes all ______to move, so mom and dad woke the boy up early.

7. The boy's name is ______
Bird Poo

8. They get their food by:

9. The boy has been able to _____ and _____ small animals since he was 5.
catch and skin
hunt and kill
feed and breed

10. He hasn't quite got the hang of hunting really_____ stuff yet.

11. What does their cooker look like?  
A big square stone
A large round plate
A huge iron grill

12. What was the boat made of?

13. What is the name of the river they are crossing?
The Thames
The Severn
The Avon

14. What did Bird Poo get from the river:
crab legs and eels
salmon and trout
snails and snakes

15. What does the boy want on his pizza?
pepperoni and mushrooms
crab legs and eel
salami and bacon

Fill in the gaps:
  1. We are ________ to our new house today.
  2. It's the Late  ________ .
  3. We're moving up river to our  ________ .
  4. We are  ________ . We follow the  ________ .
  5. My name is  ________ .
  6. It could've been worse, just ask my sister, Bird  ________ .
  7. I've been able to catch small animals and  ________  them since I was 5.  
  8. I haven't quite  ________  hunting the really big stuff yet.
  9. This is our  ________ , it's a special stone.
  10. We heat it up, pour on water to make  ________ .
  11. - What do you want on yours, Eric? - Crab legs and  ________ , please.  

  • moving
  • cooker
  • Poo
  • got the hang of
  • eels
  • Stone Age
  • seasons
  • winter camp
  • skin
  • Otter
  • steam
  • hunters-gatherers

Look at the picture of the Stone Age people and describe it.

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