Saturday, November 3, 2012

Merlin. The Dragon's Call Part IV

Vocabulary and Definitions

  1. (n) Lance pole
  2. (n) Jouster
  3. (n) King's ward - a person who is under the protection or in the custody of a king
  4. feast - пир
  5. invite - приглашать
  6. (conju) whether - if I don't know whether it's possible. or introducing alternatives. ‘He can't decide whether to go or not’
  7. tease - дразнить
  8. compliments - подарки
  9. repay - отдавать долг
  10. performance - представление
  11. (adj) betrothed - Engaged to be married -
  12. fallen angel - падший ангел
  13. God, have mercy - Господи, помилуй
  14. ordinary - обычный
  15. obviously - очевидно
  16. prosperity - процветание
  17. honour - честь
  18. peace - мир
  19. debt - долг
  20. modest - скромный
  21. rewarded - вознагражденный
  22. merit - заслуга
  23. (n) manservant - слуга

Multiple choice questions:

1. Whose room does Merlin enter?
a) Lady Helen’s b) Gwen's c) The King's ward's

2. Who is the King’s ward talking about when she says ‘I mean, the man’s a total jouster’?
a) Merlin b) Arthur c) Gaius

3. Who is the King’s ward going to the feast with?
a) on her own b) with the King c) with Arthur

4. What gifts does Lady Helen receive?
a) sweets b) fruit c) chocolates

5.What does the servant girl see in the mirror?
a) herself b) nothing c) the old witch

6. What kind of men does Gwen like?
a) ordinary men b) rough, tough men c) magical men

7. What does Lady Helen use to kill Arthur?
a) magic b) knife c) poison

8. What does Merlin become?
a) a knight b) a servant to the king c) a manservant to Arthur

Fill in the missing words:

  1. I wouldn’t touch him with a ______
  2. I mean the man is a total ______
  3. I need some help with this ______
  4. My ______ says I have the voice of a fallen angel
  5. Gwen believe me I’m not ______
  6. We have enjoyed twenty years of peace and ______
  7. a debt must be repaid ______
Missing words:
1. fastening
2. lance pole
3. finally
4. prosperity
5. jouster
6. ordinary
7. betrothed

Discussion questions:

  1. Is Merlin supposed to be in the Lady’s room?
  2. What is the gift given to Lady Helen?
  3. What is the servant's voice like?
  4. What does the servant see in the mirror?
  5. What happens to the servant?
  6. What do Arthur and Merlin think when the King's ward walks in?
  7. Does it become quite awkward between Gwen and Merlin? Why?
  8. What happens when Lady Helen starts singing?
  9. What happens to Merlin?
  10. What happens to Lady Helen?
  11. Why is everyone applauding?
  12. What does the King offer Merlin?
  13. Do they think Merlin is a hero? why?
  14. What does Gaius give to Merlin?

Listen and repeat:

  • Lady Helen, compliments of the king.
  • So sweet.
  • How will I ever repay him.
  • When he hears you sing.
  • Oh that will be more than enough, won’t it?
  • Really looking forward to the performance.
  • So am I.
  • I love singing you know. I sing all the time.
  • My betrothed says I have the voice of a fallen angel.
Learn the words here and prepare for the test in next lesson

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