Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Merlin. The Dragon's Call. Part III

Vocabulary: Definition Sentence/Phrase
(v) realise an idea or situation ‘now I see’
(n) threat a warning of something bad ‘They were under threat’
(n)state a condition of a person/thing ‘look at the state of your room’
(n) nightmare a bad dream ‘There was a big monster in my nightmare'
(adj) master to understand something ‘He mastered this skill long ago’
(n) bond being close to someone ‘I have a strong bond with my son’
(n) training learning something new ‘I am training for something’
(adj) idiotic silly, stupid ‘What an idiotic thing to say’
(n) suffering being in pain ‘He suffers from headaches’
(v) to replace to put back or return ‘Noone can replace you in my heart’
(n) knee a part of a leg
(n) destiny someone's future 'Destiny brought them together'
(v) to escape to break free ‘She escaped from prison’


Read the below and answer True / False or Not Given

Merlin and Arthur fight again and Merlin uses magic to protect himself against Author, but he loses when he sees Gaius watching. Arthur forgives Merlin and speaks about his bravery and something about the boy that he doesn’t quite understand.

Meanwhile, Mary the witch  dines with King Uther pretending to be Lady Helena; she speaks about the difficulty of Arthur growing up without a mother, and says that the bond between mother and son is impossible to replace.

That night, Merlin is again awoken by the same voice and goes to find out who speaks to him, he finds himself in a cave beneath the castle where a dragon is imprisoned. The dragon explains that Merlin is destined to use his gifts to protect Arthur, but Merlin's doesn’t want to believe it.

  • Merlin wins when he sees Gaius watching T/F or NG
  • Arthur speaks to Merlin about his bravery T/F or NG
  • Mary and Arthur become great friends T/F or NG
  • Lady Helena speaks to the king about Arthur T/F or NG
  • Arthur grew up without a mother T/F or NG
  • Merlin keeps hearing voices T/F or NG
  • The dragon has been set free from the castle T/F or NG
  • Merlin is destined to protect Arthur T/F or NG
  • Merlin believes the dragon T/F or NG

Discussion questions:
  1. Why do Merlin and Arthur fight?
  2. Does Merlin play a fair fight with Arthur? Why?
  3. Who wins the fight?
  4. What does Arthur think of Merlin now?
  5. What does Merlin think of himself when he talks to Gaius?
  6. Does Gaius know why Merlin was born with magic?
  7. What can’t have been easy for Arthur growing up?
  8. What does Mary mean when she says ‘it’s certainly too late for Arthur’
  9. What does Merlin do to distract the guards?
  10. Who keeps calling Merlin?
  11. What is Arthur in the future?
  12. What threats does Arthur face?
  13. Without Merlin what will happen?
  14. Is Merlin happy about his destiny? Why?
  15. What’s wrong with Morgana?

Fill in the missing words:

  1. How’s your ______ walking coming along?
  2. I just didn’t  ______ you were a royal one
  3. Sorry, how long have you been  ______  to be a prat my lord.
  4. Magic must be  studied ,mastered and used for good! not to be used for ______ pranks!
  5. That  bond  between mother and son, it’s so hard to ______ .
  6. How small you are for such a great  ______ .
  7. But he faces many  ______  from friend and foe alike.
  8. None of us can choose our destiny. And none of us can  ______ it.
  9. Have you seen the  ______  of this room?
  10. Poor girl is  ______  from nightmares
Missing words:
a) realise  
b) idiotic  
c) escape
d) threats 

e) training  
f) knee  
g) replace
h) state     

i) bond  
k) destiny

Learn the words here and prepare for the test in next lesson

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