Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Martha Speaks - Carolina Picks A Lily

Before you watch:
- Do you have a pet? What responsibilities does a pet owner have?
- Have you ever been impulsive?
- What do you think a person should consider before adopting a pet?

Match the words and their definitions:
1) shallow
2) adopt
3) breed
4) vicious
5) foster
6) temperament
7) impulsive
8) hypoallergenic
9) mean
10) housebreak
a) гипоаллергенный, not causing a bad reaction when you touch it
b) импульсивный, doing things without considering the possible dangers or problems first
c) порода, a type of animal
d) злой, агрессивный, violent and cruel in a way that hurts someone physically

e) поверхностный, not interested in or not showing any understanding of important or serious matters
f) брать на воспитание, to take a pet into your family for a period of time
g) темперамент, нрав, the emotional part of someone's character, especially how likely they are to be happy, angry
h) приучать к туалету, train not to make the house dirty
i) брать животное (из приюта), to take a pet into your home (from a shelter)
j) злобный, cruel or not kind

Fill in the missing words from the list above, put them in the right form if necessary:
1) Any dog can be ______ and nasty if it isn’t treated right.
2) What was _______ was me adopting the dog in the first place.
3) What type of _______ is she? A Bullweilerdoberdoodle.
4) No, she is not ________, she’s got a great _________, she’s really sweet.
5) When you _______ a pet, you take care of it until it finds a forever home.
6) - Helen, what are you doing with that puppy?
- Trying to ________ her.
7) - My dad’s allergic
- But Lilly’s a Bullweilerdoberdoodle. She is __________.
8) That is so not true! I’m not _______. I put a lot of thought into _______ this puppy.

Watch the video:

Multiple choice questions:
1. In the beginning of the episode the children are playing:
red rover
2. Carolina adopted Lily because she…
was really sweet
matched her purse
was a Maltese
3. Martha thinks there could be Bulldog in Lily as she is …
white and beige
4. The children watch movies:
to know how the breeds look
to understand how to raise Lily
to get a better idea of the breeds’ temperament

5. What did Carolina decide to do after watching movies:
to keep Lily
to take Lily back to the shelter
to give Lily to T.D.

6. Has Carolina had a pet before:
No, she hasn’t.
Yes, she had a fish.
Yes, she had a cat.

7. What was Alice’s idea about Lily:
to foster her
to take her to the shelter
to housebreak her

8. Who helped Carolina to find forever home for Lily:

9. Why was Carolina happy in the end:
because she became a good owner
because she got rid of Lily
because she found the right forever home for Lily

True or false:
1) Carolina got permission from her parents to adopt a dog.
2) Milo’s father didn’t agree to adopt Lily because he thought she was too mean.
3) Lily pounced on Nelson out of nowhere and really scared him.
4) T.D.’s mum didn’t let him keep Lily because his father was allergic.
5) You need to keep a dog on leash when you housebreak it.
6) Martha is part Poodle.
7) Carolina wants to give Lily to just anybody.
8) Milo can’t keep Lily because he doesn’t have a fenced-in yard.

Who says these lines:
1) There was a white and beige puppy too, and I have a white and beige bag, so I had to figure out which bag I use more often.
2) I figure, we will get a better idea of the breeds’ temperament if we can see them in action.
3) I’ve wanted a dog for a long time and I know it’s a lot of responsibility and I promise to take care of her.
4) Puppies grow into dogs. Face it. She’s a bad dog waiting to happen.
5) She’s not housebroken. My mum says, “No way”.
6) Nelson is bothering her. He’s got a nasty temperament.
7) A puppy is not a shirt you throw away when you don’t want it anymore.
8) Boy, I am desperate; I’m taking advice from a dog.
9) I’ll lock her all the time. I’ll take her to the park. I’ll take her swimming and everything.
10) My dog has a pleasant temperament, but she can be a little rude.

Read and repeat, answer the questions:
- You are worried about how she look? Now that is really shallow! – Is Martha curious?
- She’s a bad dog waiting to happen.– What does Carolina mean?
- What was impulsive was me adopting the dog in the first place.– Does Carolina think she did right or wrong adopting Lily?
- Boy, I am desperate; I’m taking advice from a dog. – How does Carolina feel?
- I have to make sure she’ll be cared for. – Does Carolina want to give Lily to Milo?

Learn the words from this episode: HERE

The recommended way of learning the words is:
To check the students have learnt the words the following lesson invite them to share the screen and do the Learn part together
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