Sunday, February 10, 2013

Merlin. Valliant. Part II

Vocabulary and definition:
  1. aggressive (adj) - агрессивный - Ready or likely to attack or confront
  2. style (n) - стиль - A manner of doing something.
  3. lose (v) - проиграть - Cause (someone) to fail to gain or retain (something):
  4. disgrace (n) - позор - Loss of honor, respect, or reputation; shame.
  5. present (v) - представлять - To introduce, especially with formal ceremony.
  6. escorte (v) - сопровождать - Accompany (someone or something) somewhere
  7. impress (v) - произвести впечатление - Make (someone) feel admiration and respect
  8. jealous (adj) - завистливый - Feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.
  9. annoying (adj) - раздражающий - Causing irritation or annoyance: "annoying habits".
  10. gathering (n) - собрание - when a group of people come together
  11. strike (v) - нанести удар - To hit sharply, as with the hand, the fist, or a weapon
  12. a wound (n) - рана - An injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact
  13. poison (n) - яд - A substance that causes injury, illness, or death
  14. antidote (n) - противоядие - a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison
  15. extract (v) - выдавить - Remove or take out
  16. fever (n) - лихорадка, жар - An abnormally high body temperature which causes headaches and shivers
  17. paralysis (n) - паралич - loss of the ability to move a body part
  18. a symptom (n) - симптом - A physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease
  19. pulse (n) - пульс - the rate at which the heart beats
  20. consistent (adj) - постоянный - Unchanging; steady. For example, a person that arrives exactly 5 minutes early to work every day is consistently punctual or on-time.
  21. injure (v) - ранить - Cause physical harm or damage to (a part of one's body)
  22. collapse (v) - упасть, обрушиться - Fall down or in; give way
  23. proof (n) - доказательство - any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something
  24. accuse (v) - обвинять - to charge with a fault or offense : blame
  25. a cheat (n) - обманщик - A person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.

Use each word in a sentence or phrase: 

for example ‘he is such an annoying person’
  1. aggressive
  2. disgraced
  3. present
  4. impressed
  5. jealous
  6. gathering
  7. antidote
  8. extract
  9. fever
  10. symptoms
  11. pulse
  12. proof

Fill in the missing words:
Missing words

  • antidote
  • aggressive
  • wounds
  • proof
  • escorting
  • jealous
  • consistent
  • poisoning

  1. I saw you fighting today you have a very __________ style.
  2. I understand the tournament champion has the honour of __________ my lady to the feast.
  3. I don’t see there’s anything to be __________ of.
  4. See these two small __________ .
  5. The symptoms are __________ with poisoning.
  6. What happens if he doesn’t get the __________ ?
  7. Perhaps, but have you any __________ ?

Who said that and what were they talking about?

  1. I saw you competing today.
  2. Could Arthur be any more annoying?
  3. Can I help you with something, boy?
  4. I hope, for your sake, that’s true.
  5. I think he’s badly hurt.
  6. He’s going to die.
  7. He’ll use the shield to kill him.


  1. If someone is a champion who do they escort to the feast?
  2. Is lady Morgana impressed by the knight Valiant?
  3. Why is Morgana annoyed by Arthur?
  4. Did Merlin do a better job of putting the armour on Arthur this time? Did he cheat?
  5. How does Merlin feel about being Arthur’s servant?
  6. What happened in Knight Valiant’s fight? How did he defeat his opponent?
  7. What are the symptoms of a snake bite?
  8. How can the person who was bit by a snake be cured?
  9. What does Merlin discover when he sees Knight Valiant in his chambers?
  10. Why can’t Merlin report Knight Valiant to the King?
  11. What is Knight Valiant using the shield for?

Listen and repeat:
  1. Knight Valiant of the Western isles, my Lord.
  2. I saw you fighting today, you have a very aggressive style.
  3. As my Lord said, to lose is to be disgraced.
  4. I couldn’t agree more.
  5. Knight Valiant may I present the Lady Morgana, my ward.
  6. - I saw you competing today. - I saw you watching.
  7. I understand the tournament champion has the honor of escorting my Lady to the feast.
  8. That’s correct.
  9. Then I will give everything to win the tournament.
Learn the words here and prepare for the test in next lesson

Martha Speaks. Martha Fails the Course

Before watching:

Answer the questions:
- How would you describe the way you move? Are you clumsy or agile?

- Do you do sports or any other physical activities?
- Do you think it’s possible to learn how to be coordinated?

While watching:

Vocabulary for movements

Match the words:

1) agility
2) to move
3) flexible
4) athletic
5) challenging
6) nimble
7) coordinated

a) ловкий
b) трудный, но интересный
c) координированный
d) двигаться
e) спортивный
f) гибкий
g) ловкость

Fill in the missing words from the list above:
1) What’s _____ about running in a circle and jumping over rails?
2) Speed is important, but you also must be nimble and ________.
3) Being an ______ dog is my lifelong dream.
4) You're not exactly the most _______ dog in town.
4) I’m never gonna _______ in public ever again.
5) I bet you’ll be much more _________ on this one.
6) Hey! I didn’t fall! That was pretty _______ of me.

After watching:

True or false:
1) Martha knew about agility course from François.
2) Alice was a klutz when she was little.
3) Martha is dreaming of chasing rabbits.
4) Helen and Alice learnt how to ride a bike very quickly.
5) Skits, Helen and Alice are the first to try Martha’s new agility course.

Who said that and why:
1) Dogs make everything fun to watch.
2) Promise you won't be upset if you don’t move as smoothly as François.
3) Once I fell down just standing still in an empty room.
4) Sausages don’t swim.
5) She needs a bigger agility course.
6) You guys make messing about look fun.
7) Hello! Welcome to our “Steak out”.

Answer the questions:
1) What is Martha’s lifelong dream?
a) being a guard dog
b) being an agility dog
c) being a firehouse dog

2) What does Martha do after her first agility course?
a) refuses to move
b) refuses to eat
c) takes special agility training

3) Why couldn’t Martha do well at François’s agility course?
a) she needs a smaller course
b) she needs a bigger course  
c) she needs more practice

5) What do Martha and Skits want to do?
a) steal some steaks
b) play around
c) find out who’s more agile

Play a game with Martha In the Park with Skits