Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Merlin. The Dragon's Call. Part III

Vocabulary: Definition Sentence/Phrase
(v) realise an idea or situation ‘now I see’
(n) threat a warning of something bad ‘They were under threat’
(n)state a condition of a person/thing ‘look at the state of your room’
(n) nightmare a bad dream ‘There was a big monster in my nightmare'
(adj) master to understand something ‘He mastered this skill long ago’
(n) bond being close to someone ‘I have a strong bond with my son’
(n) training learning something new ‘I am training for something’
(adj) idiotic silly, stupid ‘What an idiotic thing to say’
(n) suffering being in pain ‘He suffers from headaches’
(v) to replace to put back or return ‘Noone can replace you in my heart’
(n) knee a part of a leg
(n) destiny someone's future 'Destiny brought them together'
(v) to escape to break free ‘She escaped from prison’


Read the below and answer True / False or Not Given

Merlin and Arthur fight again and Merlin uses magic to protect himself against Author, but he loses when he sees Gaius watching. Arthur forgives Merlin and speaks about his bravery and something about the boy that he doesn’t quite understand.

Meanwhile, Mary the witch  dines with King Uther pretending to be Lady Helena; she speaks about the difficulty of Arthur growing up without a mother, and says that the bond between mother and son is impossible to replace.

That night, Merlin is again awoken by the same voice and goes to find out who speaks to him, he finds himself in a cave beneath the castle where a dragon is imprisoned. The dragon explains that Merlin is destined to use his gifts to protect Arthur, but Merlin's doesn’t want to believe it.

  • Merlin wins when he sees Gaius watching T/F or NG
  • Arthur speaks to Merlin about his bravery T/F or NG
  • Mary and Arthur become great friends T/F or NG
  • Lady Helena speaks to the king about Arthur T/F or NG
  • Arthur grew up without a mother T/F or NG
  • Merlin keeps hearing voices T/F or NG
  • The dragon has been set free from the castle T/F or NG
  • Merlin is destined to protect Arthur T/F or NG
  • Merlin believes the dragon T/F or NG

Discussion questions:
  1. Why do Merlin and Arthur fight?
  2. Does Merlin play a fair fight with Arthur? Why?
  3. Who wins the fight?
  4. What does Arthur think of Merlin now?
  5. What does Merlin think of himself when he talks to Gaius?
  6. Does Gaius know why Merlin was born with magic?
  7. What can’t have been easy for Arthur growing up?
  8. What does Mary mean when she says ‘it’s certainly too late for Arthur’
  9. What does Merlin do to distract the guards?
  10. Who keeps calling Merlin?
  11. What is Arthur in the future?
  12. What threats does Arthur face?
  13. Without Merlin what will happen?
  14. Is Merlin happy about his destiny? Why?
  15. What’s wrong with Morgana?

Fill in the missing words:

  1. How’s your ______ walking coming along?
  2. I just didn’t  ______ you were a royal one
  3. Sorry, how long have you been  ______  to be a prat my lord.
  4. Magic must be  studied ,mastered and used for good! not to be used for ______ pranks!
  5. That  bond  between mother and son, it’s so hard to ______ .
  6. How small you are for such a great  ______ .
  7. But he faces many  ______  from friend and foe alike.
  8. None of us can choose our destiny. And none of us can  ______ it.
  9. Have you seen the  ______  of this room?
  10. Poor girl is  ______  from nightmares
Missing words:
a) realise  
b) idiotic  
c) escape
d) threats 

e) training  
f) knee  
g) replace
h) state     

i) bond  
k) destiny

Learn the words here and prepare for the test in next lesson

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Merlin. The Dragon's Call. Part II

Merlin is a young sorcerer who arrives at the city of Camelot, after his mother arranges for him to stay with Gaius, the court physician. He discovers that the king, Uther Pendragon, has outlawed magic and has imprisoned the last great dragon deep under the city. The dragon informs Merlin that he has an important destiny to protect Uther's son, Arthur, who will bring forth a great Kingdom. When he meets Arthur for the first time he believes that he is arrogant and Arthur thinks that Merlin is just a servant, because Merlin has to keep his magic a secret or he gets executed by Uther.

Vocabulary                                            Definition
1. (n) sorcerer                                       someone who learns magic
2. (v) arrives                                         someone who arrives at their location/destination
3. (v) arranges                                      to plan for something
4. (n) physician                                     a person who is a doctor
5. (v) discovers                                     to be the first to find something
6. (adj) outlawed                                   not allowed by law
7. (adj) imprisoned                                being held behind bars
8. (v) informs                                                  to give information
9. (n) destiny                                         an event that will happen in the future
10. (v) protect                                                 to help from danger, trouble or damage
11. (v) believes                                     something you take as true like religion
12. (adj) arrogant                                  having or feeling an over the top of one’s own importance
13. (n) servant                                      a person working for someone else for cleaning, cooking
14. (adj) secret                                     something you do not tell to others
15. (adj) executed                                 put to death

Read the below and answer True/False or not given:

Merlin. The Dragon's Call. Part II BrE

Merlin is a young sorcerer who arrives at the city of Camelot, after his mother arranges for him to stay with Gaius, the court physician. He discovers that the king, Uther Pendragon, has outlawed magic and has imprisoned the last great dragon deep under the city. The dragon informs Merlin that he has an important destiny to protect Uther's son, Arthur, who will bring forth a great Kingdom. When he meets Arthur for the first time he believes that he is arrogant and Arthur thinks that Merlin is just a servant, because Merlin has to keep his magic a secret or he gets executed by Uther.

1. Merlin is an old sorcerer                                                          T/F or NG
2. Gaius is Merlin’s son                                                                T/F or NG
3. Merlin’s Mother arranges for him to stay with Gaius             T/F or NG
4. Uther’s surname is Dundragon                                               T/F or NG
5. The King has outlawed magic                                                 T/F or NG
6. Uther believes that he has an important destiny                    T/F or NG
7. Arthur believes that Merlin is arrogant                                    T/F or NG
8. Gaius is just a servant                                                              T/F or NG
9. Arthur and Merlin become great friends                                 T/F or NG

Watch video. Stop video 15:00.
Answer discussion questions

  1. Why does Merlin’s mother send him to Gaius?
  2. What does the old lady do to lady Helen?
  3. How does she kill her?
  4. Why does she kill her?
  5. Why does Gaius knock the water over?
  6. Does Merlin like Arthur when they first meet?
  7. Why doesn’t he?
  8. What did Uther imprison?
  9. Where is it imprisoned?
  10. Why is it imprisoned?
  11. What does Merlin find in Lady Helen’s room?
  12. Does he notice something is wrong?

Listen and repeat at 15:00, answer the questions in red

1. Hey. Come on that’s enough.
2. What! You’ve had your fun my friend. Does Merlin like whats going on?
3. Do I know you?
4. Ur I’m Merlin. So I don’t know you.
5. Yet you called me friend? Does he like Merlin calling him a friend?
6. That was a mistake. Yes I think so. Yeah.
7. I’d never have a friend who could be such an ass. How does Merlin sound here?
8. Tell me Merlin. Do know how to walk on your knees?
9. nope. Would you like me to help you?
10. I wouldn’t if I were you. Why?
11. What are you going do with me.
12. you have no  idea
13 be my guest
14. come on, come on
15. come on, come on
16. I’ll have you thrown in jail for that
17. Why? Who do you think you are the king.
18. no. I’m his son Arthur.

Learn the words and prepare for the test here in next lesson

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Friends - Ross's British Accent

Vocab/ defintion/ sentence/phrase
1. (n) laboratory / a room a scientist uses for experiments
2. (n) discovery /a person or thing being found/ The discovery of a new fossil
3. (adj) igneous / conditions in intense heat or fire/ "rocks formed by igneous agents"
4. (adj) sedimentary / produced by the action of water
5. (n) consternation / a fear from awareness of danger / To my consternation, I realised I lost the key to home
6. (adj) nervous / feeling anxious about something/ ‘I feel nervous about my test today’
7. (v) staring/ use of eyes looking/ ‘she is staring at me?’
8. (n) accent / different sounds of speech/ ‘he has a strong Russian accent’
9. (n) pantology/ scientist in human knowledge
10. (n) department / a specialised area in a large shopping mall/you’ll find it in the hardware department’
11.(n) lecture / to deliver information to a class / ‘he attended a lecture about...’
12. (v) excuse/ to pardon or to forgive/ ‘excuse me please’

Before you watch:
  1. What are the differences between British and American accents?
  2. Which one is easier for you to understand?
  3. Can you speak different accents of your native language? 

Watch the video and answer the questions:
  1. Why is Ross speaking with an accent?
  2. Why is Monica speaking with an accent, too?
  3. What type of accent is Rachel speaking?
Speaking and Listening:

1. Right so when Ridley got his samples back from the laboratory he made a startling discovery.
2. What he believed to be igneous was in fact sedimentary.
3. Imagine his consternation when..
4. Oh bloody hell.
5. What the hell are you doing?
6. Look I was nervous.
7. You guys had me all worried. I was gonna be boring.
8. I got up there and they were all like staring at me.
9. I opened my mouth and this British accent just came out.
10. Yeah not a very good one.
11. Will you, will you please.
12. Doctor Gellar,  Kerk Rathman I am a Professor in the paintology department here
13. Do you have moment to talk about your lecture?
14. I’m sorry I’ve got plans with my sister.
15. Monica Gellar.
16. Right will excuse us for one moment.
17. What are you doing? Oh you can have accent but I can’t.
18. Top of the morning to ya laddy.
19. Yes, yes bombay is very, very, nice this time of year.

Merlin. The Dragon's Call. Part I

Merlin is a fantasy-drama based on Arthurian Legend. 

Merlin arrives in Camelot but finds that magic is illegal here and its practice is punished by death. 

To play games, see galleries and video clips visit Merlin on BBC

Before you watch:

1. Do you believe in magic? why?

2. Do you know anyone that is a magician?
3. What do you think of wizards and witches?
4. What are your favourite fantasy, magical films and books?
5. Why are they your favourite?
6. What spells would you cast on people if you were a witch or wizard?

Merlin Part I - vocabulary

Vocabulary Definition
1. (n) enchantment magic or spell on someone
2. (n) penalty a sentence by law
3. (adj) guilty someone who has done something wrong
4. (adj) beheaded someone who has their head cut off
5. (n) revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you
6. (n) punishment you’re in trouble and now you have to pay
7. (adj) impatient unable to wait
8. (adj) curious having or showing interest
9. (adj) scared you are in fear of something
10. (adj) worried feeling uneasy about a job or unsure about someone
11. (adj) bewildered you feel mixed/confused about something
12. (adj) intrigued you are interested in something
13. (adj) impossible it is hard to do


Watch video. Stop video at 07:00

Discussion questions:

1. What is Thomas guilty of?         
2. What penalty is given to Thomas?         
3. What does the King declare?
4. What is the kings name?
5. The old lady says in the clip ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ what does she   mean?
6. How does Merlin stop him from falling?
7. How does Merlin know magic?
8. Who does Merlin stay with?

What is an idiom?

An idiom is a combination of words that has a meaning that is different from the meanings of the individual words themselves. It can have a literal meaning in one situation and a different idiomatic meaning in another situation. It is a phrase which does not always follow the normal rules of meaning and grammar.

For example... ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ means same revenge and punishment.

Idioms                                                                                  Definition/meaning   
1. all ears                                   
2. all eyes                                 
3. apple of (someone’s) eye   
4. as blind as a bat    
5. my ears are burning                   
6. eyes are bigger than one’s stomach    
7. four eyes                 
8. for sure                    
9. in other words           
10. on the other hand

Check out all the Idioms, play the quiz

Listen and repeat, answer the questions in italics

1. What did you just do? Does he sound angry?
2. Urm.. Tell me. Does the old man sound impatient?
3. If anyone has seen that?  Does he sound worried?
4. No,  that, that was nothing to do with me... that was. I know what it was.  Does the boy sound a little scared?
5. I just want to know where you learnt how to do it?
6. So how is it you know magic? I don’t. Does the old man sound curious?
7. Where did you study?
8. Answer me! I don’t know I’ve never studied magic or, or been taught... Does the boy sound bewildered?
9. Are you lying to me boy? Does he believe him?
10. What do you want me to say? The truth!
11. I was born like this. That’s impossible! Does the boy sound curious as to why the old man is asking?
12. Who are you? Does the old man sound intrigued?
13. Oh, urm, I have this letter
14. I don’t have my glasses

15. Hunith's son. Yes.
16. But you’re not meant to be here until Wednesday? Does he sound confused?
17. It is Wednesday.
18. Right then, you better put your bag in there.
19. You, you won’t say anything about... urm. No.
20. Although Merlin. I should say thank you. Does he sound grateful?

1. Learn the words here for Merlin episode 1
2. Prepare for the test in next lesson
3. To play games, see galleries and video clips visit Merlin on BBC