Monday, February 25, 2013

BBC History. Kids in Norman Times.

Before you watch:
  • What other historic periods have you visited with Eric?
  • Who were the Normans? Where did they come to Britain from?
  • You can find the answers HERE.
Who Were the Normans Quiz

Vocabulary:  Watch the video and answer the questions:

1. Everybody sleeps _________ in Norman time.
  • naked
  • clothed
  • stark

2. What gets washed every Easter?

  • the boy’s shirt
  • the boy’s trousers
  • the boy’s tunic

3. Does the boy’s clothes smell?

  • Yes
  • No
  • A little bit

4. Eric is _______.

  • a squire
  • a knight
  • a page

5. He was sent to live here:

  • 3 years ago
  • 4 years ago
  • 5 years ago

6. Breakfast is _______.

  • eggs
  • bread
  • beer

7. Why wouldn’t you want to drink the water?

  • because it is rain water
  • because it can be poisoned
  • because the toilet goes into the moat

8. What do they learn?

  • reading , writing, arithmetic
  • hawking, heraldry, horsemanship
  • archery, swordsmanship, fencing

9. Why does the boy want to be a knight?

  • to go round and conquer lands
  • to become a king after
  • to be rich and powerful

10. What does the boy miss?

  • his mom’s cooking
  • his dad’s singing
  • his grandpa's stories

11. Where do all the men have to go?

  • to attack the Welsh
  • to raid Normandy
  • to defend their land

12. Who has to stay behind?

  • women
  • oldsters
  • pages

Fill in the gaps:

  1. Does it ________ a bit? A little bit.
  2. Children are only  ________  1 pot.
  3. In the moat it will  ________ .
  4. We learn the three H's: Hawking, Heraldry and ________ .
  5. Soon I will be a squire. Then a  ________ . I'll go round and  ________  lands.
  6. I do stuff to learn  ________  first. But I'll be  ________  at that.
  7. Pages also often  ________  at meals.
  8. The Welsh are raiding. All the men have to go and ________ our lands.

  • serve
  • allowed
  • brilliant
  • weapons
  • defend
  • conquer
  • pong
  • float
  • knight
  • Horsemanship

How do you know a Norman Castle? Read the information and answer the questions:

  • What architectural feature was in fashion back in Norman times?
  • Where did workers live in the castle?
  • What was the castle built on and why?
  • What were the walls made of in 1066?
  • What was the strongest central point of the castle called?
  • What were the moat and the drawbridge for?
  • Why did they make the windows narrow and small back then?

What is the castle like inside? Read the information and answer the questions:

  • Why is it dark?
  • Why is it noisy?
  • Why is it smelly?
  • Why is it  smoky?
  • How would you feel if you lived there and then?
Read the description of a game Medieval Feasting and answer the questions:

  • What people could you see at a Medieval Feast?
  • Who were the most important, less important and the least important people at a feast?
  • Explain who were lords and ladies, pages, noblemen, entertainers and peasants. Who would you rather like to be? Why?
Read a menu of a Sunday Roast - Norman Style and answer the questions:

  • How many courses are there on the menu?
  • How many courses are available to peasants?
  • What kind of dessert is on the menu?
  • What did they eat last?
  • What is the most difficult thing to cook on the menu?
  • What course would you like to try?
  • What course would you not want to try? Why?
Describe the picture of a Medieval Feast and identify people and food.

Find all the words in the exercises that describe THE NORMANS, think about:
  • places,
  • things,
  • clothes,
  • food,
  • jobs, etc
Prepare for the TEST next lesson.

English-English TESTS

Learn the words with Russian translation:

Match words and their definitions:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Maiya in the Beautiful Ballet

Answer the questions:
  • What is the name of the most famous Moscow theater?
  • What other famous theaters of the world have you heard about?
  • Which theaters would you like to visit and why?
  • Have you been to a ballet show before? If yes, could you describe it, using the points below?
- What was the name of the performance;
- Where it was staged;
- Who wrote the ballet;
- Who were the leading dancers;
- What were the costumes like;
- What was the music like;
- Did you enjoy it or not.


  1. brilliant - блестящий
  2. strict - строгий
  3. excitement - оживление
  4. a curtain - занавес
  5. stage - сцена
  6. imperial - императорский
  7. a first night - премьера
  8. a ticket - билет
  9. dressing-room - гримёрка
  10. a tutu - балетная пачка
  11. ballet pumps - балетки
  12. a ribbon - лента
  13. fluffy - пушистый
  14. longing - сильное желание
  15. cross - раздражённый, сердитый
  16. complicated - сложный
  17. backstage - закулисье
  18. orchestra - оркестр
  19. a conductor - дирижёр
  20. to be in charge - быть ответственным
  21. a paw - лапа
  22. a cravat - галстук-шарф
  23. steamy - запотевший
  24. to bow - отдавать поклон

Match the vocabulary above with the definitions:

a)     a hand of an animal
b)    a person who manages an orchestra
c)     to bend your body because you respect someone
d)    a piece of cloth that covers a window or a stage
e)     genius, very good, fantastic
f)      soft, light and nice to touch
g)     a feeling of happiness and joy
h)    teachers are usually like that
i)       another type of a tie
j)       a piece of paper that you can use to go on a plane or to a concert
k)     connected to empire
l)       a first time performance of a play or a movie
m)  a place where actors perform
n)    a place where actors put their makeup on and change into their costumes
o)    ballerina’s shoes
p)    difficult and hard
q)    a ballerina’s skirt
r)      covered in small water drops
s)      to be a boss of something/somebody
t)      a long and narrow piece of material usually used to tie up clothes or hair
u)    space behind the stage
v)     a group of musicians who play together
w)  a strong feeling of wanting something
x)     angry and irritated

Meet Maiya and answer the questions about her:

  • What is Maya like?
  • Why does she teach little pups of Meerkovo?
  • What makes her smile?
  • What was her dream and why did she give up on her dream?
  • What does she enjoy doing?

Read her book Maiya in the Beautiful Ballet and answer the questions below:

  • What is the story about?
  • Where is Russian Imperial Theater located?
  • What was the name of the ballet? Does the name sound familiar to you? Where is it originally from?
  • What was Maya’s dressing room like?
  • What was Maya wearing for the performance?
  • What did she use to do when she was a tiny meerpup?
  • Why was Maya excited about dancing with Alexandrovic Orlovskiy?
  • What is dancing like for you, if you are a ballerina?
  • What should you feel like to do your best according to Maya?
  • Who is Sergeinini and what is he like?
  • What was Alexandrovic wearing for the performance?
  • How did Maya feel when she was dancing with Alexandrovic?
  • What was their dancing like?
  • What was happening to Maya in reality?
  • What was on a dusty poster on Maya’s wall?
  • Alexandr’s life lesson goes ‘Beauty and talent can lurk behind stern exteriors’. Can you explain what it means? Do you agree with that life lesson?

Find all the words in the book that describe THEATER and BALLET, think about:
jobs, etc

Spot the mistake:
Alexandr’s English is not very good, can you make it better? Spot the mistakes in the text and rewrite it, for example:
ORIGINAL ‘She was wanting to be dancer right from days of being a meerpup in little village of Meerkovo.’
‘She has wanted to be a dancer right from the days of being a meerpup in a little village of Meerkovo.’

Watch a video about Alexandr and his family and answer the questions:

1. has not always been a _______ website.
  • popular
  • successful
  • unsuccessful
2. Alexandr’s father’s name was:
  • Papa
  • Anton
  • Andrey
3. Where did he live?
  • Saint Petersburg
  • London
  • Moscow
4. His life was _______:
  • easy
  • difficult
  • boring
5. What does this video advertise?
  • house insurance
  • health insurance
  • car insurance

Learn the vocabulary:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Phineas & Ferb. Rollercoaster. Part III

Answer the questions:
Why did Phineas decide to build a rollercoaster?
What is Phineas and Ferb's sister like?
What is Perry's secret?
What is Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz like?

Watch the video:

Multiple choice questions:    00.00-03.39
1. Phineas And Ferb’s roller coaster is;
  • big
  • huge
  • tiny
2. Candace’s mom thinks Candace is:
  • clever
  • crazy
  • mad
3. The snakes on the roller coaster are made of
  • plastic
  • metal
  • rubber
4. Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz’s plan didn’t work and now they have a ____ ton ball of tinfoil traveling 200 miles per hour directly at them.
  • two
  • tree
  • four
5. Linda cannot find her _______ because her purse is a disaster area.
  • wallet
  • passport
  • club card

Fill in the gaps:   03.39-04.03
Look, look, look, see!
...Okay, I ________, what am I supposed to be looking at?
No, it's not ________!
I'm going to get the cart.
It was right here, and it was ________! Mom!
Time to go. I've got ________.
Okay, so you think that Phineas and Ferb are still under that stupid tree in the backyard, right?
Well, yes. That would be my ________.
Fine, then lets go home. Now!

Answer the questions:   04.03-the end
1.     What do the boys see when the roller coaster goes into space?
2.     Did the kids like the ride?
3.     What was the only thing that Ferb said in this episode?
4.     Why does Linda say ‘Give it a rest’ at the end?

Learn the words from the episode Rollercoaster HERE

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Merlin. Valliant. Part II

Vocabulary and definition:
  1. aggressive (adj) - агрессивный - Ready or likely to attack or confront
  2. style (n) - стиль - A manner of doing something.
  3. lose (v) - проиграть - Cause (someone) to fail to gain or retain (something):
  4. disgrace (n) - позор - Loss of honor, respect, or reputation; shame.
  5. present (v) - представлять - To introduce, especially with formal ceremony.
  6. escorte (v) - сопровождать - Accompany (someone or something) somewhere
  7. impress (v) - произвести впечатление - Make (someone) feel admiration and respect
  8. jealous (adj) - завистливый - Feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.
  9. annoying (adj) - раздражающий - Causing irritation or annoyance: "annoying habits".
  10. gathering (n) - собрание - when a group of people come together
  11. strike (v) - нанести удар - To hit sharply, as with the hand, the fist, or a weapon
  12. a wound (n) - рана - An injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact
  13. poison (n) - яд - A substance that causes injury, illness, or death
  14. antidote (n) - противоядие - a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison
  15. extract (v) - выдавить - Remove or take out
  16. fever (n) - лихорадка, жар - An abnormally high body temperature which causes headaches and shivers
  17. paralysis (n) - паралич - loss of the ability to move a body part
  18. a symptom (n) - симптом - A physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease
  19. pulse (n) - пульс - the rate at which the heart beats
  20. consistent (adj) - постоянный - Unchanging; steady. For example, a person that arrives exactly 5 minutes early to work every day is consistently punctual or on-time.
  21. injure (v) - ранить - Cause physical harm or damage to (a part of one's body)
  22. collapse (v) - упасть, обрушиться - Fall down or in; give way
  23. proof (n) - доказательство - any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something
  24. accuse (v) - обвинять - to charge with a fault or offense : blame
  25. a cheat (n) - обманщик - A person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.

Use each word in a sentence or phrase: 

for example ‘he is such an annoying person’
  1. aggressive
  2. disgraced
  3. present
  4. impressed
  5. jealous
  6. gathering
  7. antidote
  8. extract
  9. fever
  10. symptoms
  11. pulse
  12. proof

Fill in the missing words:
Missing words

  • antidote
  • aggressive
  • wounds
  • proof
  • escorting
  • jealous
  • consistent
  • poisoning

  1. I saw you fighting today you have a very __________ style.
  2. I understand the tournament champion has the honour of __________ my lady to the feast.
  3. I don’t see there’s anything to be __________ of.
  4. See these two small __________ .
  5. The symptoms are __________ with poisoning.
  6. What happens if he doesn’t get the __________ ?
  7. Perhaps, but have you any __________ ?

Who said that and what were they talking about?

  1. I saw you competing today.
  2. Could Arthur be any more annoying?
  3. Can I help you with something, boy?
  4. I hope, for your sake, that’s true.
  5. I think he’s badly hurt.
  6. He’s going to die.
  7. He’ll use the shield to kill him.


  1. If someone is a champion who do they escort to the feast?
  2. Is lady Morgana impressed by the knight Valiant?
  3. Why is Morgana annoyed by Arthur?
  4. Did Merlin do a better job of putting the armour on Arthur this time? Did he cheat?
  5. How does Merlin feel about being Arthur’s servant?
  6. What happened in Knight Valiant’s fight? How did he defeat his opponent?
  7. What are the symptoms of a snake bite?
  8. How can the person who was bit by a snake be cured?
  9. What does Merlin discover when he sees Knight Valiant in his chambers?
  10. Why can’t Merlin report Knight Valiant to the King?
  11. What is Knight Valiant using the shield for?

Listen and repeat:
  1. Knight Valiant of the Western isles, my Lord.
  2. I saw you fighting today, you have a very aggressive style.
  3. As my Lord said, to lose is to be disgraced.
  4. I couldn’t agree more.
  5. Knight Valiant may I present the Lady Morgana, my ward.
  6. - I saw you competing today. - I saw you watching.
  7. I understand the tournament champion has the honor of escorting my Lady to the feast.
  8. That’s correct.
  9. Then I will give everything to win the tournament.
Learn the words here and prepare for the test in next lesson