Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Martha Speaks - Carolina Picks A Lily

Before you watch:
- Do you have a pet? What responsibilities does a pet owner have?
- Have you ever been impulsive?
- What do you think a person should consider before adopting a pet?

Match the words and their definitions:
1) shallow
2) adopt
3) breed
4) vicious
5) foster
6) temperament
7) impulsive
8) hypoallergenic
9) mean
10) housebreak
a) гипоаллергенный, not causing a bad reaction when you touch it
b) импульсивный, doing things without considering the possible dangers or problems first
c) порода, a type of animal
d) злой, агрессивный, violent and cruel in a way that hurts someone physically

e) поверхностный, not interested in or not showing any understanding of important or serious matters
f) брать на воспитание, to take a pet into your family for a period of time
g) темперамент, нрав, the emotional part of someone's character, especially how likely they are to be happy, angry
h) приучать к туалету, train not to make the house dirty
i) брать животное (из приюта), to take a pet into your home (from a shelter)
j) злобный, cruel or not kind

Fill in the missing words from the list above, put them in the right form if necessary:
1) Any dog can be ______ and nasty if it isn’t treated right.
2) What was _______ was me adopting the dog in the first place.
3) What type of _______ is she? A Bullweilerdoberdoodle.
4) No, she is not ________, she’s got a great _________, she’s really sweet.
5) When you _______ a pet, you take care of it until it finds a forever home.
6) - Helen, what are you doing with that puppy?
- Trying to ________ her.
7) - My dad’s allergic
- But Lilly’s a Bullweilerdoberdoodle. She is __________.
8) That is so not true! I’m not _______. I put a lot of thought into _______ this puppy.

Watch the video:

Multiple choice questions:
1. In the beginning of the episode the children are playing:
red rover
2. Carolina adopted Lily because she…
was really sweet
matched her purse
was a Maltese
3. Martha thinks there could be Bulldog in Lily as she is …
white and beige
4. The children watch movies:
to know how the breeds look
to understand how to raise Lily
to get a better idea of the breeds’ temperament

5. What did Carolina decide to do after watching movies:
to keep Lily
to take Lily back to the shelter
to give Lily to T.D.

6. Has Carolina had a pet before:
No, she hasn’t.
Yes, she had a fish.
Yes, she had a cat.

7. What was Alice’s idea about Lily:
to foster her
to take her to the shelter
to housebreak her

8. Who helped Carolina to find forever home for Lily:

9. Why was Carolina happy in the end:
because she became a good owner
because she got rid of Lily
because she found the right forever home for Lily

True or false:
1) Carolina got permission from her parents to adopt a dog.
2) Milo’s father didn’t agree to adopt Lily because he thought she was too mean.
3) Lily pounced on Nelson out of nowhere and really scared him.
4) T.D.’s mum didn’t let him keep Lily because his father was allergic.
5) You need to keep a dog on leash when you housebreak it.
6) Martha is part Poodle.
7) Carolina wants to give Lily to just anybody.
8) Milo can’t keep Lily because he doesn’t have a fenced-in yard.

Who says these lines:
1) There was a white and beige puppy too, and I have a white and beige bag, so I had to figure out which bag I use more often.
2) I figure, we will get a better idea of the breeds’ temperament if we can see them in action.
3) I’ve wanted a dog for a long time and I know it’s a lot of responsibility and I promise to take care of her.
4) Puppies grow into dogs. Face it. She’s a bad dog waiting to happen.
5) She’s not housebroken. My mum says, “No way”.
6) Nelson is bothering her. He’s got a nasty temperament.
7) A puppy is not a shirt you throw away when you don’t want it anymore.
8) Boy, I am desperate; I’m taking advice from a dog.
9) I’ll lock her all the time. I’ll take her to the park. I’ll take her swimming and everything.
10) My dog has a pleasant temperament, but she can be a little rude.

Read and repeat, answer the questions:
- You are worried about how she look? Now that is really shallow! – Is Martha curious?
- She’s a bad dog waiting to happen.– What does Carolina mean?
- What was impulsive was me adopting the dog in the first place.– Does Carolina think she did right or wrong adopting Lily?
- Boy, I am desperate; I’m taking advice from a dog. – How does Carolina feel?
- I have to make sure she’ll be cared for. – Does Carolina want to give Lily to Milo?

Learn the words from this episode: HERE

The recommended way of learning the words is:
To check the students have learnt the words the following lesson invite them to share the screen and do the Learn part together
Please, students and teachers, leave your 
feedback in the comments below.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Harry Potter - House Cup Ceremony

Introductory Questions:
Have you watched Harry Potter or read the books? 
Are you a Harry Potter fan?
Have you ever received a certificate or award
What was it for?How did you feel?

True/ False Questions:
At the beginning of the clip Gryffindor was in fourth place.            
To begin with Ravenclaw had 426 points.                        
Ronald Weasley won points for the best game of football.       
Harry Potter was awarded 10 points. 
Answer the questions:
1. At the beginning of the film who came in third place?
2. How many points was Hermione Granger awarded?
3. Harry Potter was awarded points for:
4. Who won the house cup?                       
Learn the words HERE.
The recommended way of learning the words is:
To check the students have learnt the words the following lesson invite them to share the screen and do the Learn part together
Download Harry Potter's Timetable Worksheet HERE and do the exercises.
Take the Quiz Harry Potter

Learn the words from the exercise HERE.

Please, students and teachers, leave your 
feedback in the comments below.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Daisy and Poppy

1. Watch the video from Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom “Daisy and Poppy” and answer the questions below:
1. Where are Holly and her family going to get porridge from?
2. What did Nanny Plum teach the twins?
3. What is King Thistle afraid of?
4. Why did the flood happen again?
5. What were Nanny Plum’s first words?
6. How did Queen Thistle punish the twins?
7. What do King and Queen Thistle want Holly and her friends to do?
8. What does Fleur think about the twins?
9. What did Daisy do with Fleur?
10. Where are the twins not allowed to go?
11. What game are the children going to play?
12. How did the twins manage to get Fleur’s wand and escape?
13. Why do Ben and Barnaby think they can find the twins?
14. Who helps the boys?
15. What does Mrs. Elf want to do when she sees Daisy and Poppy?
16. How did the children find the twins?
17. Why did Daisy and Poppy stop magicking?
18. Who wasn’t turned into animals?
19. Who broke the spells?
20. Does Wise Old Elf agree that no harm was done?
21. What did Wise Old Elf do after the girls turned Nanny into a frog?
22. Why does Queen Thistle think the twins have had a busy day?
23. What are the twins dreaming about?

2. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form:
1. Nanny Plum ______ (teach) Daisy and Poppy a simple porridge spell.
2. Daisy and Poppy ______ (practice) so hard.
3. My friends ______ (come) round to play.
4. ___ you (want) to hold my wand?
5. I’m sure they ____ (not mean) to turn me into a kitten.
6. What’s that noise? It ____ (come) from over there.
7. Poppy, Daisy! What ______ you _____ (do)?
8. The little darlings ____ (get) really good at magic.

3. Name and explain the usage of tenses in these sentences:
1. Today, we’ll be having porridge for breakfast.
2. We will have this porridge cleared up in a flash.
3. Oh! I see your friends have brought a little kitten along.
4. That rabbit is wearing my dad’s hat.
5. Daisy and Poppy have been doing a bit of magicking.
6. I wonder what sweet little dreams they are having.

4. Correct the mistakes if any:
1. Daisy and Poppy practice their magic this morning.
2. When I was a baby the first words I had said was “Bang!”
3. I’m helping them count. I will be very good at counting.
4. I think we’ve found my little sisters.  
5. They were turning all the elves into rabbits.
6. Barnaby and Ben, had you seen the girls?
7. They turn us all into rabbits.
8. We won’t have needed any more magic today.
9. They had had a very busy day, Your Majesty.

5. Learn the words from the video HERE
6. Translate from Russian into English:

7. Play the game to practice English tenses HERE

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Merlin - The Mark of Nimueh

Before you watch:
- Have you ever done something you wish you hadn’t done?
- What was that?
- What happened after that?
- Did you try to do anything to change what was done?

Watch the video HERE.

Discussion questions:  (2:15 – 12:20)

- Why are Merlin and Gaius hiding the corpse?
- Why doesn’t Arthur tell Gaius his father’s order himself?
- What does Gaius think of the nature of the disease?
- What did Uther command Arthur to do?
- Why did Gaius forbid Merlin to cure the dying man?
- Why were Merlin and Gaius afraid of Merlin’s room being searched?
- Why can’t Merlin use the magic book?
- Why does Uther want to isolate the lower town?
- How did the fact, that the dead woman was a courtier, helped Merlin and Gaius?

Who said that and what were they talking about? (3:25 – 13:20)

1. Purple suits you. Not that I’m saying red doesn’t suit you.
2. The victims are dying in 24 hours and it’s spreading fast.
3. Increase your presence in the town. Double the guards on all the gates.
4. Science will lead us to the source of the disease.
5. It’s neither good nor bad. It’s how you use it.
6. I found a place where you can put things. It’s called a cupboard
7. Sitting by and doing nothing, that’s a virtue?
8. I want you to impose a curfew.
9. Courtiers seldom go down to the lower town. So what does that mean?
10. I wish there was something, anything, but so far the remedy is beyond what I can achieve.

Fill in the missing words: (4:10 - 12:20)
  1. Do you think it could be some kind of ________?
  2. I was attempting to find the ______.
  3. We need Gaius to find a _____.
  4. If we cannot control this plague, people will ________ magic for a cure.
  5. I’m examining the ______ of that man’s stomach.
  6. I’m looking for material or ______ suggesting the use of enchantments.
  7. You want to practice magic when the King is hunting for ______?
  8. Merlin, your life is ________ for more important things.
  9. We have to ____ how this illness is spreading.
  10. It suggests that the disease is not ______ by contact.

Missing words:

  1. contents
  2. turn to
  3. destined
  4. evidence
  5. cause
  6. sorcerers
  7. spread
  8. plague
  9. cure
  10. discover

Put the mixed up sentences in the correct order:  (6:00 – 11:50)
  1. the city/If Gaius is right/will be wiped out/believe me
  2. then how can we/what a disease is/cure him?/If we don’t know
  3. to read through them/ You are quite welcome/if you wish
  4. I get/how many interruptions/It depends on
  5. will never be found/who’s powerful enough/searching the town/A sorcerer/ to do this
  6. onto the streets/No one is/after the great bell/to be allowed
  7. were given/Sometimes I do wonder/ whether your magical talents/ to the right person

Discussion questions:  (13:30 – 28:00)

- How did Merlin help Gwen?
- Does Gaius think it’s a good idea to stop people from using the water?
- Why did Arthur think that Gwen was the sorcerer?
- Why did Arthur change his mind about Gwen?
- What did Gwen ask Merlin to do?
- How did Merlin decide to save Gwen?
- Why doesn’t Arthur believe that Merlin is the sorcerer?

Who said that and what were they talking about? (16:55 – 27:25)

1. I had this in the water for no more than a few hours.
2. I don’t mean that in a nasty way. You’re just funny.
3. Was anybody with you when all this happened?
4. What can I do? I can’t turn a blind eye!
5. If you will not undo your sorcery, you force my hand and I must find you guilty.
6. You have no right to cast a judgment on that girl!
7. I place myself at your mercy.

Fill in the missing words and put them in the right form if needed: (17:00 – 27:00)
  1. The pump from where the people take their daily _____.
  2. You finally ______, I’ll tell you. I’m ______.
  3. Perhaps you were _______ from some other _______?
  4. I found a magic _____ in her house.
  5. Didn’t you think it might look a bit _______ , the curing of one man?
  6. And under this circumstance I have no choice but to ______  you to death.
  7. I have _______  what witchcraft can do.
  8. But the _______ supply  won’t last for much longer.

Missing words:

  1. supply
  2. ailment  
  3. sentence  
  4. find out  
  5. suffer  
  6. poultice  
  7. psychic  
  8. emergency   
  9. witness   
  10. suspicious

Are these sentences true or false? (17:10 – 27:55)
1. Arthur believes the sorcerer is inside the city.
2. Gwen didn’t believe that Merlin was psychic.
3. Morgana thinks that Arthur is right about Gwen.
4. Uther gave Gwen a royal pardon.
5. Arthur didn’t allow his father to arrest Merlin.
6. Arthur thinks that Merlin is in love with Morgana.

Multiple choice questions:

1. What did Merlin see in the water?  (30:35 – 41:40)
a) a beast born of clay  b) a water monster  c) an ugly lizard
2) Who does Merlin need to defeat Afanc?
a) Morgana  b) Gaius  c) Arthur
3) Merlin is looking for a book on…
a) sorceries   b) elements   c) spells
4) Gaius says that Merlin could destroy Afanc with…
a) water  b) wind and fire  c) some unknown elements
5) Morgana thinks that Merlin is a
a) lover  b) warrior  c) servant
6) Gaius thinks that the magic was invoked by…
a) not very skilled sorcerer    b) young sorcerer    c) ancient sorcerer
7) Morgana thinks that Merlin’s secret is that he is …
a) in love with Gwen      b) a wizard    c) the one who cured Gwen’s father

Who said that and what were they talking about? (28:45 – 41:55)
1. Yes, but you don't prove her innocence by offering to jump into the flames.
2. Well, maybe I should go around wearing a pointy hat.
3. You are but one side of a coin.
4. Bring her execution forward to tonight.
5. I certainly can’t imagine any man loving me so much.
6. Father will slam us both in chains if he knew I’d endangered you.
7. Will I never be rid of her?
8. I only hope you didn’t come to her attention.

Fill in the missing words and put them in the right form if needed: (28:05 – 42:00)
  1. What else could I do? It’s my _____ Gwen’s going to die.
  2. Perhaps she cast a _____ on you.
  3. If we’re going to save Gwen we have to find out what’s _______ the water.
  4. Now we have to find a way to _______ it.
  5. People are dying, we can’t _____ any longer.
  6. Afanc is the _______ made from earth and water.
  7. We have to _____Gwen’s innocence.
  8. But he won’t want to _____ the King.
  9. There are no new deaths, and those that are sick are ______.
  10. Well, no one else seems to appreciate my _____.

Missing words:

  1. disobey
  2. fault  
  3. prove
  4. defeat
  5. recover  
  6. spell
  7. contaminate
  8. skills  
  9. delay
  10. creature
Finish the sentences:  (28:15 – 41:40)

1. Merlin is a wonder but the wonder is …
2. He thinks he is so sharp! But even when I told him I was a wizard …
3. If we destroy Afanc, …
4. The age of gallantry seems to be dead. You look around and …
5. I’m telling you Morgana, turn back or…
6. I hope we find it before…
7. I know your secret. You can continue to deny it, but …

Learn the words from the video HERE.